Thursday, April 3, 2014

#72 Replacing the False Intercessor

C. Peter Wagner tells us, "As it turned out, this incredibly smooth solution to a potential disaster happened because of positive intercessory prayer.

(Wagner, here, is referring to the outcome in the last post I'd made of his book, PRAYER SHIELD,
 #70  Recruiting Prayer Partners.)

Before Freedman returned from his vacation, God had replaced the former woman intercessor with what eventually became three new 1-1 intercessors.

None knew of the other two. All had been praying, and they had also been keeping journals of what the Lord was revealing to them for Paul.

Each of them had been praying for him for months previously. Undoubtedly, it was the foothold of the enemy through the false intercessor hat had prevented the pastor from recognizing them as intercessors sooner.

When the new intercessors compared notes, the consistency and agreement in what God was showing all three was overwhelming.

Remarkably, two of the three had clearly known months previously that Paul would be tempted by 'lustful and foolish' women.

He rightly concludes, 'The intercessors having received advanced warnings to pray for me a that time way well have saved my ministry.'

And the upshot? in a few months a new prayer ministry was installed, and the church began to grow again. 

Paul Freedman says, 'During a three-month period, under the prayers of God's chosen warriors, our church received into membership the largest number of new members in our history. We also witnessed average weekly offerings hit an all-time high.'

The risk of making a mistake such as Freedman did comes with the territory. But I believe we can learn from him from the experiences of others and reduce such mistakes to a minimum."

#72 Replacing the False Intercessor,
in the series taken from C. Peter 

Wagner’s book, PRAYER SHIELD
How to intercede for pastors, Christian 
leaders and others on the spiritual
frontlines. (pgs. 143 - 144)
by Regal Books

Let’s pray: Mary Southerland “Father, I am tired. I need Your power and supernatural control for every step of every day. Help me learn to fully trust You – even when life is hard. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”  

Today’s Bible verse: Ps. 25:4 & 5a "Shew me thy ways O LORD, teach me thy paths. Lead me in Thy truth and teach me."

Today’s quote: Our Daily Bread  3/28/14

on! Pray on! Cease not to pray,
And should the answer tarry, wait;
Thy God will come, will surely come,
And He can never come to late.Chisholm 

God may delay our request,
but He will never disappoint our trust."

Some thoughts today: When we have a vision for something that God wants us to do, we'll need to contend for it, keeping it foremost in out minds, to be faithful in accomplishing it as He leads.

- Give close attention to what God reveals to you, when you read His Word.

- Contend for a life of purity, to Christ's honor and glory. There's power in His Name. Call on Him for help and guidance in everything you do.

5th- Saturday’s post:  Looking...Fixing...Focusing  Morna Gilbert

6th- Sunday's post:  Tears to Joy  Tammie Johnson

8th- Tuesday's post:  #73 Recruiting Short-Term Pray-ers  C. Peter Wagner

10th- Thursday's post:  #74  Recruiting 1-3 Intercessors  C. Peter Wagner

A popular post:  God's Goodness  Denise K. Loock - "Goodness prompts me to say, 'Wow! I’m so glad to be God’s child. He’s so good to me. But God’s goodness is much more complex than that." 

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