Sunday, April 27, 2014

Are You Hanging On For Dear Life?

Michael Brooks tells us, "In Genesis 6:14, God said to Noah: "So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out." 

I think it's interesting that the word translated "pitch" is the same word that is translated "atonement" in Leviticus 17:11 (as well as in other passages in the Old Testament). 

Romans 8:1b "for those who are in Christ Jesus..."

It is a perfect picture of what Christ's sacrifice has done for us: The atonement of Jesus is what keeps out the waters of judgment and condemnation -- it not only insulates, but is also part of the construction of our position "in Christ" as safe and blessed.

When the rain began to fall, God didn't throw Noah and his family a rope and tell them to hang on for dear life. 

Rather, the Lord said, "I'm going to place you and your family inside." 

The same is true for us.

It's no longer up to us to hold on -- in other words to try and keep from sinning as long as we can. 

Our Ark is Jesus. We are in Him.

In our previous passage Paul told us: "Therefore there is no condemnation." 

Why? Because we are in Him. When the rains, floods, winds, storms and forty foot seas of life happen all around us, we don't need to worry.

We are safe, dry, warm, and secure -- in Jesus.

Questions to Ponder:

Are you in Jesus? Have you accepted His gift of atonement? Why not? Are you still trying to do life your way? The Lord waits for you. 

Will you receive the greatest gift of all?"

Michael Brooks writes for  Testament League

Do you have a testimony to share? I'd like to create a post of several testimonies from my readers. (for comments)

Let's pray:  

A Prayer for Grace After Failure by

   “Father, because of your marvelous grace You commissioned Your Son, Jesus, to die for an ungrateful, unreceptive and hostile people, and that includes me. 

It’s so easy to be critical of Peter who so boldly asserted that he would never deny Christ, but did so within hours and at such a critical moment.

Yet Peter’s actions help us to view the tender grace You poured out on Him at His lowest moment. His bitterness dissolved into brokenness. You are close to the brokenhearted, and deliver those whose spirit has been crushed. It is so instructive and encouraging to know that weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning.

Peter, a fearful failure who grew into a faithful follower, eventually gave his life for the cause of Christ. May we too have such a resolve to follow you even it it means we may lay down our life for You.

I thank You for Your amazing grace that looks beyond our faults and sees our need. Amen.”

Today’s Bible verse: 2 Chron. 20:20b "Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established: believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper."

Today’s quote: Buett 

“Once I was an outcast stranger on earth,
 A sinner by choice and an alien by birth;
 But I’ve been adopted, my name’s written down,
 An heir to the mansion, a robe, and a crown.”

Some thoughts today: Hide God's Word in your heart. Consecrate your life to Him, and be available to be used.

- The Sea of Galilee is a sea of life, as not only pure water flows in, but water flows out, and down into the Dead Sea, where there are no outlets. God wants us to resemble the Sea of Galilee, not the Dead Sea!

- It is our responsibility to receive impartation of God's Word, and to then find an "outlet" to share it with others, and not just hold it in. 

27th- Sunday evening’s post:  Playing Favorites  Martin Wiles

29th- Tuesday's post:  #79th- The Rules: Slow and Cautious  C. Peter Wagner

5/1st- Thursday's post:  #80  Recruiting I-1 Intercessors  C. Peter Wagner
3rd- Saturday's post:  Reach Out  Gloria Penwell

A popular post:  I Need Rest!   Gwen Smith - "I spin plates. Not real plates. Metaphorical plate. I spin lots of plates at the same time and I multi-task. This is both a blessing and a curse in my life. " (for comments)
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