Tuesday, June 3, 2014

#89 The Miracle for Pastor Everett

C. Peter Wagner tells us: During 
the period of time when our I-1
baton was being passed from 
Cathy Schaller to Alice Smith, 
Alice called me early one morning.

I was in the midst of teaching a one-week intensive Doctor of Ministry course.

She said that morning (Houston is two hours ahead of us) God had told her there was a pastor named Everett in my class who was going through a difficult time in his life and whom God wanted to minister to.

When I got to class, sure enough, Everett Briard, pastor of a Presbyterian Church in Canada, responded with total astonishment, almost unbelief, that such a thing could happen.

We as a class prayed for him, and some other pastors ministered to him personally as well.

He testified to us that he had felt a definite change in his spiritual and mental outlook.

Nine months later, Everett wrote a letter to me telling me how important Alice's word had become to him. 

   'I had been struggling with many things for a long time,' he said,

 'not the least of which was the inability to get rid of an underlying sense of meaninglessness, and periodic times of degrees of depression.'

He said that in a seminar two weeks after the word from Alice he had heard a Christian psychologist say that only through therapy could a person be moved from low self-esteem and self-hate to high self-esteem.

But Everett said, 

   'God did that for me instantly during your class. He set me free and has given me a sense of newness in ministry. Things which used to throw me into deep despondency no longer have the power to do that. I am so grateful.'

You can imagine how grateful I am as well, seeing God use me as a relatively passive instrument to link a Houston intercessor with a Canadian pastor visiting in Pasadena, California, and observe God's power manifested in a mighty way. 

Yes, intercessors do hear from God.

#89 The Miracle for Pastor Everett,
in the series taken from C. Peter 
Wagner’s book, PRAYER SHIELD
How to intercede for pastors, Christian
leaders and others on the spiritual
frontlines. (pgs. 167-168) 
By Regal Books

(Emphasis added and Google image)

Jean's blog Store this link for further referencing.

t’s pray:

   Father, there are times that I'm aware of Your nudging me to pray.

   May I become more sensitive to what's on Your Heart, and may I pray effectively, either in my native tongue or in the heavenly prayer language. 

   May I be used to encourage others to release their apprehensions into Your hands.

   I ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen   

Today’s Bible verse: Prov. 10:6a "Blessings are upon the head of the just."

Today’s quote: Dr. Mike Evans- Prayer is our most powerful weapon. No rifle, tank, airplane, missile or even nuclear weapon can compare…because prayer touches the power of Heaven and brings it down to Earth. Let us never fail to faithfully pray as God has commanded.”

Some thoughts today: For the joy set before Jesus, He endured the Cross. He looked through the suffering, to the joy ahead. Wait on God in prayer to renew your vision of what you're doing for Him in your situation. Your vision will give energy!

- We need fresh vision. Let the Holy Spirit re-energize you.

- As people are hard-wired to worship, they'll worship something. May our worship of God inspire our children, strangers, and friends to worship the One Who is worthy of all worship!

5th- Thursday’s post:  #90  Prophetic Intercession  C. Peter Wagner

7th- Saturday's post:  Do You Have Empty Jars?  Barbara Suiter

8th- Sunday's post:  Cancer (his story)  James Cagle

8th- Sunday evening's post:  Old Person Pride  Author unknown

A popular post: I-1 Intercession C. Peter Wagner tells us: "God calls I-1 intercessors to have a special close relationship with the pastor or other leader.

Our pastors NEED our prayers!

jowildflowers@gmail.com (for comments)

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