Thursday, March 13, 2014

#66 I-1 Intercession

C. Peter Wagner tells us: "God calls I-1 intercessors to have a special close relationship with the pastor or other leader.

Sometimes this involves a close social relationship, sometimes it is a largely spiritual relationship.

Most, if not all, of the I-1 intercessors I know have the spiritual gift of intercession. 

Through it they have developed an intimacy with the Father that allows them to hear the Father's voice and know His purposes more clearly than most.

The leaders I know who relate to I-1 prayer partners sometimes have three of them, sometimes two, but most frequently one.

Through the years, God has assigned two of them to us.

The first was Cathy Schaller who was assigned to us for seven years. The second is Alice Smith, or current I-1 intercessor.

They are both extremely powerful women in spiritual things, and both of them were first bonded to us in prayer through extraordinary circumstances.

[Peter goes on to relate a terrible fall and what happened. When he was examined at the hospital, they could not find any structural damage or internal injuries. He'd fallen 12 feet onto a concrete floor, hitting his head.

That evening, Cathy Schaller and her husband, Mike, were at a concert, where a powerful cloud of evil darkness seemed to envelop Cathy.]

The presence of evil was so strong around her that she could smell it. In her spirit she identified it as a spirit of death and destruction.

The Holy Spirit said to her, 'It has come to destroy someone you have a relationship to, but not one of your children.'

She felt a shield of protection raised between the force of evil and her own being, so she knew she was personally safe.

Without hesitation, Cathy began to pray under her breath for "legions of angels." Then a severe pain came into her back, [her husband then prayed for her.] 

Cathy continued to pray in the Spirit under her breath for 20 minutes, then sensed a total release. The battle was over, the evil cloud left, she relaxed, enjoyed the rest of the concert and went home to bed.

The next morning Cathy's call to Doris and me was one of the most incredible telephone calls I can remember...Doris and I do not need a court of law to be convinced that Cathy's faithfulness in prayer that night literally saved my physical Life."

##66 I-1  Intercession, in the series 
taken from C. Peter  Wagner’s book,
PRAYER SHIELDHow to intercede for
pastors, Christian leaders and others on 
the spiritual frontlines.(pgs. 130, 132)  
by Regal Books

Let’s pray:

 Father, we need to better understand the need for prayer coverage for our pastors and leaders, that's for sure!

   As we think of today's message from C. Peter Wagner's book, PRAYER SHIELD, may we take it to heart, that when there is a sense of need in the life of someone close to us, help us to pray for them!

   Whether or not we learn of any trouble in their lives, may we be determined to support them daily, with expectancy of Your working powerfully in their lives through our prayers.

   In the Name of  Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Prov. 10:28a "The hope of the righteous shall be gladness."

Today’s quote: Dawn Mooring – “The voice you and I need to heed is God's. The directions and destination may be unfamiliar, but they lead us to the exact spot we need to be. The challenge before us is to obey the One whose voice is never wrong. Cup your hand around your ear and listen. God will whisper your directions.

Some thoughts today: The Holy Spirit lives within you from when you asked Jesus to save you. Let Him control your life. Haven't you found it impossible to control everything?

- God's desire is for a relationship with you. Simply ask Him into your life.

- Will everything be perfect over night? No, but He will give you joy, peace, patience, understanding, and a clear vision, in time.

15th- Saturday’s post:  One Grasp  Barb Suiter

16th- Sunday's post:  The Wealth of Words  Diana Derringer

    Sunday evening's post:  Why I Love Jesus  Mary Carothers

18th- Tuesday's post:  #67  Seven Years of Learning  C. Peter Wagner

A popular post:    The Day God Showed Up   Sharon Jaynes shares with us, "Bob told me about a visit to Vietnam where he met with a leader of an underground Christian church."
The best way to start your day!
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