Thursday, December 25, 2014

#28 Jesus Provokes the Conflict

C. Peter Wagner: "Instead of going 
about His business and allowing Satan 
to choose the time and place of attack, 
Jesus took the initiative and went on the 
offensive immediately after His baptism.

Before He announced His agenda in the synagogue of Nazareth, before He called the 12 disciples, before He preached the Sermon on the Mount, before He fed 5,000 or raised Lazarus from the dead, He knew He must engage in some crucial strategic-level spiritual warfare.

The place Jesus chose is significant. He went to the 'wilderness,' which was known as a territory of Satan.

The Dictionary of New Testament Theology says of eremos, the Greek word for wilderness or desert, that it is 'a place of deadly danger...and of demonic powers' and 'only where God's judgment has fallen is there victory over the desert and its maleficent spirits.'

If Jesus' encounter with the devil was to be decisive, he should be given, to use an athletic term, 'home field advantage.' Jesus moved in on the devil's turf without hesitation and without fear.

Satan knew what the stakes were, and he gave it his best shot. He went so far as to offer Jesus his most priceless possession, 'all the kingdoms of the world and their glory' (Matt. 4:8).

It was a crucial and ferocious battle, 
but the outcome was never in doubt. 

Satan's power never has been nor ever 
will be a match for the power of God. 
Jesus won. Satan was defeated.

The power encounter cleared the way spiritually for all that Jesus was to accomplish over the next three years, including His death and resurrection."

(Google images and emphasis added)

#28 Jesus Provokes the Conflict
By C. Peter Wagner
(pgs. 53 -54) Regal Books

Hovering Over and Bringing Forth - Dutch Sheets has an excellent message for us. I hope you'll check it out!

Pray with me: 12 Suggestions for praying for your church:

  1. Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you pray
  2. Pray for your pastor and other leaders for the services
  3. Pray for hearts to be open, receptive, and obedient to God
  4. Pray the evil spirits to be bound and mute, in Jesus' name
  5. Pray for people to remain seated during the preaching
  6. Pray for the sound system to work properly
  7. Pray for folks coming to the altar, for true repentance
  8. Pray for signs and wonders to follow with power
  9. Don't fear times of silence. Allow the Holy Spirit to move
10. Keep prayerful during services
11. Pray for salvations and re-dedications
12. Pray for the finances of your church, for cheerful giving

Today’s Bible verse: Prov. 18:10 "The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe."

Today’s quote: By a persecuted Christian: "As Christians, we are prepared not just for good days, but for the black days, too. The next generation will forget who persecutes us. But they will not forget those who help us and support us."
Some thoughts today: Do you feel you've lost your zest for life? You still have all the talents God gave you, even if you don't feel it.

- We lose sight of someone's value when we look at their present condition. God does not!

- Wherever you find one of God's "diamonds in the rough," remember God has a good plan for them, too.

27th- Saturday’s post: From the Cradle to the Cross
James H. Cagle

28th- Sunday evening's post: With God, All Things are Possible
Debbie McEwen

30th- Tuesday's post: #29 Can We Identify With This?
C. Peter Wagner

Jan.1st- Thursday's post: #30 The Meaning of Jesus' Temptation
C. Peter Wagner

Today's popular post: #2 How God's Power is Released
C.  Peter Wagner continues to tell us, in his book, PRAYER SHIELD:

"A fascinating story is told in Exodus 17. Many will recall the account of the battle of Rephidim in which Joshua defeated Amalek."

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Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse

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