C. Peter Wagner: I fully realize that many feel uncomfortable
with the notion that demons can and do attach themselves to
material objects or houses or territories.
A common expression used somewhat defensively is that people like Wagner or Petipierre or Collingridge or Irene Warkentin "see a demon behind every bush."
I must say that of the scores of Christian leaders I am in contact with who are involved in responsible deliverance ministries, I have not yet found one who would claim that a demon is behind every bush.
But we do agree that demons are, in fact, behind some bushes.
And to the degree that we are able by the power of the Holy Spirit to discern which bushes they are and the specific nature of the demonic infestations, the better able we are to take authority over them in Jesus' name and to reclaim territory they have usurped for the Kingdom of God.
In this book Warfare Prayer, I want to attempt to use this discernment. I want to take seriously the admonition of C. S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters.
"There are two equal and opposite errors into which our
race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their
existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive
and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally
pleased by both errors, and hail a materialist and magician
with the same delight.' "
#47 Demons Behind Bushes?
By C. Peter Wagner
(pg. 85) Regal Books
(Google image and emphasis added)
Mark I. Bubeck shares with us from his book The Satanic Revival (p 223) {Let's pray with Mark}: "Cause people to hear Your Word with a new, profound depth, and move pastors and churches to proclaim and teach Your Word with a contagious freshness. Use Your holy Word to move our nation to revolutionary revival. I do love Your word, O Lord, and I give myself to know it better and to live it more. I offer this prayer in the name of Him who is the living Word, my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."
Today’s Bible verse: Ps. 16:8 "I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."
Today's praise verse: 2 Sam. 22:50 "Therefore I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing the praises of your name."
Today’s quote: Lenn L. Latham - "A vital Christian is not one who in his own strength is laboriously trying to accomplish something. He is rather one who has been lifted to a new level of power and effectiveness because something tremendous has happened within him." (pg 7 of his book: Let God In [out of print).
Some thoughts today: God uses hardships to teach us our ways are evil. (see James 1:14, 15).
- After salvation in Jesus by His blood, we're to be holy, as He is holy. We'll receive correction along the way, to change our thinking, speaking, and acting. We're to put off deceitful ways. - We're not to grieve the Holy Spirit, as we're sealed by Him by our faith in Jesus' Atonement.
12th- Thursday’s post: #48 Territoriality Then and Now
C. Peter Wagner 14th- Saturday's post: Approaching God Lawrence Darmani 15th- Sunday evening's post: Lord, Hold Me a Minute James H. Cagle 17th- Tuesday's post: #49 Spirits and Territories C. Peter Wagner Without Ceasing Dr. R. A. Torrey tells us, “In the twelfth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles we have the record of a most remarkable prayer, remarkable because of what was asked for and remarkable because of the results of the asking.
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