Tuesday, April 28, 2015

#61 Submit to God

C. Peter Wagner: We live in a permissive
society where almost anything goes. Many 
of today's adults grew up in dysfunctional 
families where they never learned what it 
means to have a loving father who leads the 
family, protects and provides for his household, earns the love and respect of his children, and also expects obedience.

Not only non-Christians, but even some Christians have a difficult time relating to the commandment,

    "Honor your father and mother" And the biblical admonition:
     "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right (Eph.

Rebellion often seems to be a more popular attitude today than loyalty.

Christians who never willingly submitted to a natural father frequently find it difficult to submit to their heavenly father.

They seek God for love, gentleness, forgiveness and healing but draw back from God's demands for obedience and commitment.

They have never fully come to terms with the concept that "Jesus is Lord." In first- century society when the New Testament was written, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that a lord was to be obeyed without question.

Christians who are not ready to obey 
God unconditionally are no more ready 
for warfare than Marines who are not 
ready to obey their commanding officers.

The Bible uses some very strong language when it deals with obedience. How do we know that we know God?

     "Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His
     commandments" (1 John 2:3).

The New Testament does not allow the false separation of loving God on the one hand and submitting to Him as master on the other, which many believers these days wish might be true.

It clearly says,

     "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments"
     (1 John 5:3).

Submitting to God is the first lesson of spiritual boot camp.

#61 Submit to God
By C. Peter Wagner
(pgs. 108, 109) Regal Books

     Father, it is my desire to be active in putting you first in my life. I ask that You draw me closer in my prayer and worship times, so I can learn to submit more fully to You.
     I am determined to wait on You, and to see Your glory more fully. I will praise You for Your faithfulness to me, and to be sure to give You the credit for all of the blessings I receive.
     I trust You to go with me in every endeavor You ask me to do. I do ask for Your presence everyday, and in every way.
     In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Zeph. 3:8 "Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD."

Today's praise verse:  Ps. 16:7 "I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me."

Today’s quote: Missionary David Livingstone -  “God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours.”   

Some thoughts today: If you seek the Lord in prayer, He will protect you.

- Satan has the disadvantage when you're walking with Christ.

- Everyday, we can choose to stay in close contact with God.

Peaceful Warrior

O Lord make me Your peaceful warrior
Let me not lay the blame where it belongs
Allow me the grace to forgive without being asked
Fill my heart with Your wisdom so I may follow Your gentle ways
Please give me Your compassion for those in need
Allow me the wisdom to help others respectfully
Teach me to be humble
To give glory only to You who humbled Himself before all creation
If I am persecuted for Your name's sake
Let me rejoice that I do not stray from You
Teach me always to do what is right rather than to worry 
about being right
I pray that when I lay down my head for the last time, that I 
have learned Your lessons
and may become Your peaceful warrior for eternity in 
Your mighty Kingdom.

by Debbie McEwen

30th- Thursday’s post:  #62 Draw Near to God
C. Peter Wagner

May/2nd- Saturday's post:  Fear of Man
Kimberly Damon

3rd- Sunday evening's post:  When the Waves Come
Lisa Buffaloe

     ~My vacation time~  (I plan on visiting my family and friends downstate)

Next post 19th- Tuesday's post:  #63 Enjoying Prayer
C. Peter Wagner

A popular post:  Putting God First Joyce McCullough tells us about her sister's thoughts: “How can I possibly feed my family this month if I also pay my tithe to the church?

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