Wesley L. Duewel: "In order to prevail, the intercessor must often increase the intensity of his or her praying from one level to another.
I suggest seven such levels. The first three are listed by Jesus in His Sermon on the mount (Matt. 7:7). To these I add four more levels from Scripture.
Level 1: Ask Matthew 7:7
Level 2: Seek
The asking becomes longer and more intense.
Level 3: Knock
Interceding becomes even more urgent and insistent.
Level 4: Fast
To the previous crescendo of intensity and urgency of
intercession, fasting is added.
Level 5: Prayer burden
The burden may be intense and brief or perhaps extend over a longer time.
Level 6: Wrestling in prayer
Very intense praying
Level 7: Prayer warfare
Prayer battle, extending over a prolonged period.
Perhaps we should call these levels seven aspects or forms of prevailing prayer. Instead of giving up, we move into ever more determined intercession until we prevail.
These levels of prayer intensity are not totally separate from each other. During prevailing in prayer, one level may merge into another almost without the intercessor's awareness of it.
Pray warfare may include all the preceding levels. In fact, prayer warfare is usually over a prolonged period of time and may involve alternating from one level to another as the Spirit guides.
The important thing is not to keep analyzing your prayer to see what level of intercession is yours at a particular time. Rather, be aware that the Spirit may guide you into one or all of these levels as He wills.
Be available and ready to pray as He guides and empowers. In the holy partnership of intercession with Christ and the Holy Spirit, the prayer warrior is seeking to intercede constantly according to the mind of the Spirit.
All this discussion will become increasingly clear and spiritually blessed as you advance in Christ's school of prayer.
Always remember that you never merit prayer's answers. You do not earn God's response by anything you do. You do not get answers because of physical exertion, praying in a loud voice, or working up some kind of emotional experience.
In fact, the most intense prayer of all may at times be the most silent. On the other hand, when your heart cries out to God, you may well, like Jesus, have moments of 'loud cries and tears' (Heb. 5:7). Many of God's prayer warriors over the centuries have at times experienced such prayer intensity.
Intensified prevailing prayer is God's ordained law and method for implementing his redemptive plan in this age till Jesus returns. It is the highest, holiest, and mightiest effort of which a child of God is capable.
It is God's chosen way to bring heaven's power, heaven's resources, and heaven's angels into action on earth. Spurgeon says, 'He who know how to overcome with God in prayer has heaven and earth at his disposal.' Intensified prayer is clothed with the might of God Himself."
Used by permission of the author and Duewel Literature Trust, Inc., Greenwood, Indiana
(Google image and my emphasis added)
#6 The Levels of Prevailing Prayer
by Wesley L. Duewel
(pp. 17-19) Zondervan
by Wesley L. Duewel
(pp. 17-19) Zondervan
Today’s Bible verse: 1 Chron. 12:18 c "..for thy God helpeth thee."
Today’s quote: "The Creator of the universe not only upholds us and helps us but He also cares deeply about every moment we live. No wonder the apostle Peter was able to confidently invite us to 'cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you' (1 Peter 5:7). As the assurance of his care rings in our hearts, we find courage to face whatever comes our way." Bill Crowder
"Loving Father, thank You that every part of my life matters to You. Encourage me in my struggles so that I might walk in a way that reflects Your great love and honors Your great name.
"Loving Father, thank You that every part of my life matters to You. Encourage me in my struggles so that I might walk in a way that reflects Your great love and honors Your great name.
No one is more secure than the
one who is held in God's hand."
ODB 1/6/16
Some thoughts today: Our standard is to not compare ourselves with others. No man is justified before God except in and through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. (Rom 3:23, 24).
~ God's laws are good for us, as they reveal our sin. Asking Him for forgiveness and repenting of them, can bring us into a good relationship with Him. Check out the Bible book of Romans. You'll find a lot of help there...such as Rom. 4:18-22.
~ Our lack of faith hinders us from doing what God wants to accomplish in and through us. If someone we know is in good relationship with God, we're more inclined to take their advice because of the way they live.
~ God's laws are good for us, as they reveal our sin. Asking Him for forgiveness and repenting of them, can bring us into a good relationship with Him. Check out the Bible book of Romans. You'll find a lot of help there...such as Rom. 4:18-22.
~ Our lack of faith hinders us from doing what God wants to accomplish in and through us. If someone we know is in good relationship with God, we're more inclined to take their advice because of the way they live.
9th- Saturday’s post:
Worth Waiting For
Dutch Sheets
10th- Sunday evening's post:
Forgiveness Does Not Come to Those
Lee Forbes
12th- Tuesday's post:
#7 Levels of Uniting in Prayer
Wesley L. Duewel
14th- Thursday's post:
#8 Prevailing Prayer—the need of the Church
Wesley L. Duewel
Worth Waiting For
Dutch Sheets
10th- Sunday evening's post:
Forgiveness Does Not Come to Those
Lee Forbes
12th- Tuesday's post:
#7 Levels of Uniting in Prayer
Wesley L. Duewel
14th- Thursday's post:
#8 Prevailing Prayer—the need of the Church
Wesley L. Duewel
She could almost feel the irritation of the driver a she drove cautiously and slowly navigated several turns..."
Very thought provoking.