He promised He would come again
To take His children home
Where sin will never raise its head
And pilgrims never roam
Where truth resides on every tongue
And hearts abide in peace
And love for God does reign supreme
As self has been released
Released by full abandonment
To Jesus and His will
Who walked upon the raging waves
And bid the storm be still
Who saw in the demoniac
A child who longed to be
Delivered from his painful past
Embraced in love and free
Where minds cannot imagine
And our eyes have never seen
The glories God's prepared for those
Who've been where Christ has been
Who've suffered for His righteousness
And would not entertain
Returning to their sinful past
In search of worldly gain
Because they realized the Price
God paid in their behalf
Was all they had to lean upon
As right to walk His path
The path that lead through suffering
But each day in God's light
And sometimes even death itself
To win the Saviors fight
For sometimes God brings victory
By letting people lose
The battles they have fought the most
The ones they did not choose
Because He saw the victory
Would be forever lost
If they became entangled
And lost sight of what it cost
To give them opportunity
To live again with Him
Who gave us our beginning
In a world that knew no sin
And soon will be restored again
In its prosperity
The home of God's redeemed from sin
Forever to be free
So if your life is painful
If the path you walk seems dim
Trust God has made a special plan
To keep you close to Him
And if that means to lay you
In the dust to rest awhile
He's promised that when you awake
You'll surely see His smile
As He in all His glory
Will awaken you to be
His child to tell the story
Throughout all eternity
Of how what you had paid for Him
Was truly worth the cost
As Christ gave all eternity
To you upon His cross
Luke 14:26-33; Matthew 5:2-12
He Promised He Would Come Again
By Lee Forbes
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Kneeling man |
Father, thank You for Your provision through Christ Jesus' death and resurrection, and for His promise of our eternal life, if we choose to submit our lives to Him.
May we be found faithful to Your calling on our lives, and may others see You do a good work in each of us.
Guide us through our daily living, with our hurts or great trials, to simply love and trust You all the way to our heavenly home.
Help us trust that you'll make a special plan to keep us close to Him, so we can be victorious in our faith walk with Jesus.
It's in His Name we pray. Amen.
May we be found faithful to Your calling on our lives, and may others see You do a good work in each of us.
Guide us through our daily living, with our hurts or great trials, to simply love and trust You all the way to our heavenly home.
Help us trust that you'll make a special plan to keep us close to Him, so we can be victorious in our faith walk with Jesus.
It's in His Name we pray. Amen.
Today's Bible verse-
(Luke 21:36) "Be on watch and pray always that you will have the strength to go safely through all those things that will happen and to stand before the Son of Man."
Rich Carmicheal- "What a Savior! We can trust him fully! He is all-sufficient and will be faithful to us as we entrust ourselves and our situations to Him. There is no limit to His power, no limit to His love for us and no limit to His resources. Is not such a glorious, loving savior worthy of our complete confidence and trust!"
(Taken from 'Our Response to Christ", p. 2, December 2016 Herald of His Coming magazine).
Charles H. Spurgeon- "Christ in us is Christ Reigning. Christ in you is a right royal word. Christ swaying His scepter from the center of your being, over every power and faculty, desire and resolve, bringing every thought into captivity to Himself, oh, this is glory begun, and the sure pledge of heaven. Oh for more of the imperial sovereignty of Jesus! It is our liberty to be absolutely under His sway." (Taken from "Christ In You", p. 3, December 2016 Herald of His Coming magazine).
Today's spotlight sermons:
January 22, 2017 CFC Sermons:
To Whom we Pray
Speaker: Jamie Sinclair
Series: Teach Us to Pray
Location: CFC Canton
Series: Teach Us to Pray
Location CFC Potsdam
Speaker: Rick Sinclair
Series: Teach Us to Pray
Location: CFC Madrid
CFC SERMONS You can check out the many sermons to select the ones of interest to you. Click speakers to choose a minister's name, and his list of sermons for you to choose from.
CFC Potsdam church has a live service at 10 am Sunday's for shut-ins. If for some reason you can't make it to the church you usually attend, click on the above link, and still get fed!
Upcoming posts-
Jean's blog (Click to see snippets of recent posts)
#87 Other Examples of Revivals
31st- Tuesday's post by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel
#88 The Dynamics of Perseverance
Feb. 2nd- Thursday's post by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel
Old Yet New (Kentucky Sinkhole)
4th- Saturday's post by Dave Branon
#89 Give God Time to Answer- Part 1
7th- Tuesday's post by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel
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White path winter snow |
Below, you have an opportunity to leave a comment.
Or email me at jowildflowers@gmail.com
Samples of Jean's crafts
(Published by Lighthouse Publishing
31-day Devotional
+ Jean's testimony
[Maybe just choose a title each
day that interests you]
+ Jean's testimony
[Maybe just choose a title each
day that interests you]
A sample verse from p. 41-
Receive God's Love
So Others Know
"May You be touched with His great love
So you can give your best.
His Grace will come from up above.
It's yours at your request."
So you can give your best.
His Grace will come from up above.
It's yours at your request."
of the Carolinas. Used by permission).
A great gift for someone who may need help
to prepare for marriage, and for those in a
to prepare for marriage, and for those in a
marriage, wanting some helpful advice.
Great poem, love it.