Dr. Wesley L. Duewel: Satan takes your prayer warfare very seriously. He does not leave lives, situations, or places unless he is driven out. He opposes your advance with every weapon at his disposal.
He attacks you on every level that he dares—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. (Google image, Spiritual warfare).
There is safety and refuge in the Lord. His angels join you in your prayer warfare, assuring you of ultimate victory. But you must ever be alert and aware of Satan's efforts and methods.
Any individual or group that enters into prayer warfare as a ministry, as a call from the Lord, will be opposed by Satan. He is terrified of those who give themselves to prayer.
Do you remember how, in the days of the prophet Zechariah, the high priest Joshua could not begin his priestly ministry of intercession until Satan had been rebuked?
God showed Zechariah in a vision that Satan was standing at the right side of the high priest trying to hinder. It was also important for Joshua to be spiritually clean and obedient if he was to have the assistance of the Heavenly hosts (Zech, 3:1-7).
Attacks by Satan in a particular location or attacks on people are proof of the very real war in the heavenlies. If prevailing prayer were not so mighty, Satan would not fear it so greatly or oppose it so violently.
1. The danger of being engrossed in your work. We are in constant danger of being so preoccupied with our work, so absorbed in the demands of our daily life and the pressures of our Christian ministry, that we have no time for real payer warfare.
We work when we ought to pray. We have become such workaholics that we feel more comfortable working than praying.
Prayerlessness, neglect of intercession, and absence from the field of prayer battle must be confessed to God and repented of and His forgiveness obtained. Then we must set our soul to give priority to prayer in a definite yet reasonable way.
We must ask the Spirit to put the hunger for God's presence and God's mighty answers back into our soul again. We have failed our interceding King too long. By God's grace do something about it today.
2. The danger of fear. We, as Christ's ambassadors, should not fear Satan's opposition. He is a defeated foe. Satan wants to immobilize us by fear so that we will go on the defensive instead of on the attack for God. All the "fear not" Scriptures are ours to claim (Isa. 35:4; 41:10, 13; 43:1, 5; 44:8; 54:4).
When we are fighting God's battles, God takes the responsibility for our protection. His angels are our guard.
Jesus prayed for you and me, "Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name" (John 17:11). The protection of His name is the protection of His presence, of His promise, and of His angels.
3. The danger of unfocused prayer. Indefinite, generalized prayer never brings definite answers. Faith and prayer must be specific to be effective . . . But praying that is effective prayer warfare must, wherever possible, become highly specific and personalized. The more detailed your prayer can become, the more comprehensive your prayer burden can become.
Mighty prayer burdens are usually for specific situations. Holy prevailing, wrestling in prayer, is usually guided and empowered by the Spirit for urgent specific needs . . . Name the people and needs for which you pray, and be as concrete and specific as you can.
God does not expect you to prevail for every need in the world. He wants to give you specific prayer assignments that become your personal responsibility and burden before the Lord.
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Used by permission of the author and Duewel Literature Trust, Inc., Greenwood, Indiana, (with Jean's impressions added).
Mighty Prevailing Prayer
#133 Dangers in Prayer Warfare
by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel
(pp. 253-258) Zondervan
#133 Dangers in Prayer Warfare
by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel
(pp. 253-258) Zondervan
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Man praying |
When we're tired and hard pressed, and answer someone in frustration or anger, may we quickly admit we said what we shouldn't have, and make amends, securing our friendships, as this is one of Satan's tricks to destroy Christian relationships.
There will be times when we'll be challenged in our thinking about Your leading others, but let us remember that You deal with each of us individually where we are, and others may not see things just as we do.
We ask for Your Spirit to put a renewed hunger for Your Presence in us, and to cause us to hear what You're saying for our guidance.
We claim the protection of Your name, Your promises and the angles who are assigned to us.
May the specific prayer assignments given us, which are our personal responsibility and burden before You, be fulfilled to please You, giving the ultimate victory due Your name.
I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Today's Bible verse-
2 Cor. 10:3-5 (AMP) "For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. (v.4) For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds. (v. 5) [inasmuch as we]refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
Henry C. Spence: “When we realize that Christ is our goal,
our life, our all in all, we find in Him our all-sufficiency in all things. Not a religion, but the Lord Jesus enthroned in your heart and life; a glorious living, bright reality, the desire of the Apostle Paul as expressed in his letter to the Philippians.”
“For to me to live is Christ . . . ” (Phil. 1:21). [As seen in Spence’s article, Christ Who Is Our Life, In the
October 2016 issue of Herald of his Coming]
Today's question-
Today's popular post-
What does it mean to rejoice in the Lord?
Being thankful for God's Word, that it gives the best advice available! Being exceedingly glad that we've thrived, and are now making good choices. Being glad for those who've given us good advice over the years, and for those who've diligently prayed for our welfare.
“Jesus did not say—Dream about thy
Father in secret, but pray to thy
Father in secret . . . "
Upcoming posts-
#134 Dangers in Warfare Prayer 4-6
16th- Thursday's post by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel
A Reason to Sing
19th- Saturday's post by Amy Peterson
#135 How to Bind Satan, Part 1
22nd- Tuesday's post by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel
#136 Recognize Satan's Activity
24th- Thursday's post by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel
Jean's blog (Click to see snippets of the 7 recent posts)
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Important information. I think Satan wants us to forget about him so he can work unhindered. Too many people don't even believe Satan exists and I think he wants it that way so he can sneak up on us and do his best to corrupt and defeat us. As I wrote in "Am I Vigilant Enough, Lord", we must always be on guard. Debbie