Jean Oathout: What one thinks about sanctified living may cause them to have different opinions than others near them, even in their church. Read the following from an earlier post on sanctification:
When someone hears the Word concerning Christ's sacrifice for their sins on the Cross, some 2,000 years ago, and they believe it's for them, their acceptance of His provision for them seals their future with Him in glory. (Google image, Man reading the Bible)
They become pure and free from all guilt or evil; sanctification is acceptance by God, given through belief in the shed blood of Christ Jesus. We are then challenged to walk out a sanctified life, bringing honor to Jesus.
When serious about our decision for Christ, we soon realize we are sinful and need to repent, (which is to have a deep godly sorrow for our sins.) As Christ Jesus forgives the believer, water baptism in Christ's name is to follow, thus proclaiming allegiance to Him. They become pure and free from all guilt or evil, providing them true sanctification.
They'll received the availability of forgiveness on a daily basis, salvation from being sent to Hell, and the promise of a glorious eternal life with Christ.
This begins the process of "working out our salvation". This is the challenging part of our New Life, as Satan is determined to damage or kill our faith so we won't mature and be a help in promoting Christ's kingdom, and to become a hindrance to what he's attempting to do to destroy God's Church.
To faithfully gather with other believers is the plan of God the Father for us, to learn to put His principles to work in our daily lives, as we glean from good preaching, teaching and private Bible study and devotions.
The best way to accomplish this is to mingle with others of like faith, learn from them and practice Christ's presence in our faith-walk. This will prove to be challenging, as we're all very self-centered, and used to doing things our own way.
In Rom. 5:1, it tells us that "we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." This gives us hope that we can become whole and at peace with God. Our lives can be greatly changed through the on-going process to become like Christ in our thoughts, actions and conversations.
[Taken from Sanctification, an earlier post of mine].
Let's pray-
Father, although others may have different opinions on just what is sanctified living, we'll look to You to see what You say it is.
In Rom. 5:1, it tells us that "we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
We become pure and free from all guilt or evil: sanctification, then, is acceptance by You, given through belief in the shed blood of Christ Jesus.
We see that we are then challenged to walk out a sanctified [consecrated] life, to bring honor to Jesus.
We see that we are then challenged to walk out a sanctified [consecrated] life, to bring honor to Jesus.
As Satan is determined to damage or kill our faith so we won't mature and become a hindrance to his attempts to destroy Christ's church, help us understand that we must gather with other believers to learn Christ's principles for godly living.
Remind us that the best way to accomplish this is to mingle with others of like faith, learn from them and practice Christ's presence in our faith-walk.
May our lives be greatly changed through the on-going process to become like Christ in our thoughts, actions and conversations.
We ask this in His name. Amen.
Today's past prayer post:
Today's past prayer post:
Dr. Wesley L. Duewel: #5. Fasting feeds your faith. "When you add fasting to your prayer, you know you are following the example of prevailing prayer in both Old and New Testament.
Today's Bible verses-
2 Thess. 2:13 (NKJV) "But we are bound to give
thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved
by the Lord, because God from the beginning
chose you for salvation through sanctification
by the Spirit and belief in the truth."
1 Thess. 4:3-5, 7 (NKJV) "For this is the will
of God, your sanctification: that you should
abstain from sexual immorality; (v. 4) that each
of you should know how to possess his own vessel
in sanctification and honor. (v. 5) not in passion
of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God;
(v. 7) For God did not call us to uncleanness,
but in holiness."
Eph. 5:18-20 (NIV) "Do not get drunk on wine,
which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with
the Spirit. (v. 19) Speak to one another with psalms,
hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music
in your heart to the Lord, (v. 20) always giving
thanks to God the Father for everything, in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Today's quotes-
~ Dr. Wesley L. Duewel: A person of God lives a consistently righteous and holy life. Only God is perfect in holiness. Only God is infinitely and eternally righteous. Each of us has sinned (past tense) and falls (present tense) short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23).
But God can give us an unwavering commitment to His will, His truth, and His glory. We can live in present victory and blessing moment by moment. We can walk in the light as He is in the light and experience the continuing cleansing from all sin (1 John 1:7).
We all stumble in many ways and find often that we are at fault (James 3:2). But the set of the soul, the habit of the walk with God can be a life of consistent righteousness and holiness. And if we sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense — Jesus Christ, the infinitely Righteous One (1 John 2:2).
By God's grace we can live in holiness and righteousness before Him all our days (Luke 1:75)." (p. 276 of Ablaze for God)
~ Dr. A. J. Gordon writes, "It seems clear from the Scriptures that it is still the duty and privilege of believers to receive the Holy Spirit by a conscious, definite act of appropriating faith, just as they received Jesus Christ . . . It is as sinners that we accept Christ for our justification, but it is as sons that we accept the Spirit for our sanctification."
Special earlier posts-
Sanctification 8/15/11 "Our interpretation of what this means, may not be what God intends for us to have!" Oswald Chambers
JANUARY 6, 2019
The Discipline of Fasting
Speaker: Daniel Paladin . Topic: CFC Potsdam
Natalie Nichols- "If we truly want to draw near to God, we must allow fasting and prayer to bring about grief over personal sin. We must allow the effect (abstaining from food) to bring about the cause (grief, remorse, and sincere prayer)."
Upcoming posts-
#3 The Way God Answers Prayer
15th- Tuesday's post by Samuel Chadwick#4 Learning to Pray
17th- Thursday's post by Samuel Chadwick
Christ Invites Us to Draw Near
19th- Saturday's post by Rich Carmicheal
#5 Personality in Prayer
22nd- Tuesday's post by Samuel Chadwick
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