Dr. James Dobson: Every spouse and parent knows it takes commitment, sacrifice, and great intentionality.
At Family Talk, we want to help you make your family succeed. (Google image, Man and woman talking)
Here are the 10 most popular (and timeless) blogs from the past year (of Family Talk) to get you started.
10. A Wife's Countenance
9. The Power of Words
8. 5 Truths for True Love in Your Marriage
7. Angry Women and Passive Men
6. Dads to Daughters: 5 Things to Look for in a Man
5. Having an "I Am Third" Marriage
4. Your Sex-Starved Husband
3. 11 Marriage Killers You Need To Avoid
2. The Ways Men Need Their Wives
1. Women Have Needs That Men Do Not Comprehend
Successful Families Don't Just Happen by Chance
Dr. James Dobson
enews@enews.drjamesdobson.org [email address for questions, or to sign up for their notifications]
Gwen Smith- "In Psalm 61:4, the psalmist cried to God saying that he longed to take refuge in the shelter of His wings. Who’s allowed under the wings of a mama bird? Only her babies. The wing of a mama bird, or arms of a parent, is an intimate place. Close to a beating heart. This type of shelter is personal. For family only."
Today's Bible verses-
Rom. 12:1 (MSG) "So here's what I want you to do,
God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—
your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-
around life—and place it before God as an offering."
Prov. 9:6, 9, 10 (NKJV) "Forsake foolishness and
live, And go in the way of understanding. (v.9) Give
instruction to a wise man, and he will be wiser;
(v. 10) The fear of the LORD is the beginning of
wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy one is
Ps. 51:15, 17 (NKJV) "O LORD, open my lips, And
my mouth shall show forth Your praise. (v. 17)
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken
and a contrite heart—These, O God, You will
not despise."
Today's quotes-
~ Sharon Jaynes- In my book, Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe, I show wives how to cover their husbands in Scriptural prayer from top to bottom. If you’re not married, you can use this same pattern for praying for the important men in your life. Today, let’s pray for the mid-section.
~ Sharon Jaynes- In my book, Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe, I show wives how to cover their husbands in Scriptural prayer from top to bottom. If you’re not married, you can use this same pattern for praying for the important men in your life. Today, let’s pray for the mid-section.
Dear Lord, I pray for ________________.
His Shoulders – No matter what my husband goes through today, assure him that nothing is too hard for You. Empower him to cut the cords of worry with the saber of praise and to place his burdens on Your able shoulders. Genesis 18:14; Deuteronomy 31:8; Psalm 9:10.
His Heart – Place a hedge of protection around his heart to keep corruption out and purity in. Proverbs 4:23; Proverbs 17:20; Proverbs 17:22.
His Back – Protect him in the physical and spiritual realms. Keep him from the devil’s schemes that would attempt to trap him or trip him up. Thank you that no weapon formed against him will stand. John 10:10; 2 Corinthians 2:11; Ephesians 6:10-18.
His Arms – Help my husband be strong and courageous in Your mighty power. Bolster his courage when he is afraid and reassure him when he doubts. Deuteronomy 31:6; Joshua 1:9; Isaiah 30:15.
His Hands – Bless the work of my husband’s hands. Reward his efforts and bring him success. Deuteronomy 33;11; Deuteronomy 28:12-13.
In Jesus’ Name,
~ DR. TONY EVANS- "God has given each of us a job, position, resources, education and more. God has opened opportunities to optimize His kingdom purposes. He didn’t place you or me where we are so we could eat figs all day long or post pictures on social media. He’s placed us wherever we are because we are in the midst of a battle, a war. You and I are in the midst of a seismic conflict involving good versus evil.
To miss a kingdom assignment because we’ve become too caught up in our personal kingdom is one of the greatest tragedies we could ever face. An entire nation was grateful for how Esther responded to Mordecai’s rebuke. Their lives were spared. How many souls can be spared in the culture where we live today when we choose to step up to service, even if it involves sacrifice?
"Lord, turn my heart and my mind toward You and toward the role You have chosen for me to live out. Help me to put Your will and Your purpose ahead of my own. I humbly bow before You and ask for Your direction and guidance, as well as Your courage to live out the calling I’ve been given for such a time as this. In Jesus’ Name, Amen." [Also posted by Dr. Roy Evans]
Today's guest post:
Learn To Be Still
Andrea Merrell- "Be still and know that I am God."
“That sounds great, Lord, but You have no idea how busy I am today.”"Be still."
“I would love to spend time with You this morning, but my day is full. I have a doctor’s appointment, errands to run, a house to clean, and three baskets of laundry. Company is coming tomorrow. I can’t slow down or I’ll never make it. My to-do list is out of control . . . God wants to be involved in every moment of our life.”
Upcoming posts-
#11 The Hill of the Lord
2/12- Tuesday's post by Samuel Chadwick
#11 The Hill of the Lord
2/12- Tuesday's post by Samuel Chadwick
#12 The Inner Room and the Closed Door
14th- Thursday's post by Samuel Chadwick
16th- Saturday's post by Mrs. Frannie Erb
#13 How Can we Secure the Closed Door?
19th- Tuesday's post by Samuel Chadwick
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Bird and berries |
Jean's blog (Click to see snippets of the 7 recent posts)
Helpful ways the Lord helped me in my marriage.
Wow! Jean. This is very good. Thanks for posting.