Samuel Chadwick: The Holy Spirit does nothing of Himself, neither does He do anything for Himself. His mission is to glorify Christ, and all He does is based upon the finished work of Christ.
He could not be given until Jesus was glorified, and in experience there can be no Pentecost until there is a Coronation. The Spirit is the Coronation gift of Jesus, whom the Father has made to be both Lord and Christ. (Google image, Holy Spirit Power and fire)
The fellowship of the Spirit in prayer is made possible by an experience in Christ. The sequence is set forth in the eighth chapter of Romans (verses 9 to 27). Those who pray in the Spirit must be in the Spirit, and if the Spirit of God is to make intercession for us He must dwell in us.
If we live after the flesh, we die; if we are led by the Spirit, and walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, then the Spirit dwells in us, lives through us, and works by us.
Then comes to pass that which it is written:
"And in like manner the Spirit also helpeth our
infirmities: for we know not how to pray as we ought;
but the Spirit Himself [that dwelleth in us] maketh
intercession for us with groanings which cannot be
uttered; and He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what
is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession
for the saints according to the will of God."
The Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God: He takes of the things of Christ and reveals them unto us. God knows the mind of the Spirit; we pray in the Spirit, instructed and inspired by Him, and He makes intercession for us in wordless intercession.
That is the New Testament explanation of prayer that prevails. Though I did not know it until years after, that is what happened to me when God gave me a new understanding, a new joy, and a new power in prayer.
A new Personality entered a new temple, and set up a new altar. As I live, yet not I; so I pray, yet not I. I pray in the Spirit, and Spirit Himself also maketh intercession. The Spirit in my spirit prays.
The Spirit Helping Our Infirmities
He instructs and inspires all true prayer. There is no truer word than that "we know not what we should pray for as we ought." There is no realm in which we so soon come to the end of what we know as in that of prayer.
Our petitions urge wants that are immediate, obvious, and urgent. We cannot see deep enough or far enough to know what is our real need. Most people would like good health, home comfort, congenial conditions, happy friendships and little more money, and better success; but who can tell if these would be for their ultimate good?
God sees deeper and further, and He may will otherwise. How often have people who have pleaded with breaking hearts that a life might be spared lived to thank God that the Lord took when He did? He knew what was coming, and took them from the evil to come.
The Holy Spirit knows the mind of Christ and the will of God, and He teaches us how to pray and what to pray for. If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, and He will give him more than wisdom, He will give him the Spirit of Wisdom to instruct, strengthen, and guide.
The Holy Spirit creates the conditions of prayer. We may ask amiss, not only in what we ask but also in the reason for asking. He sanctifies desire and directs it into the will of God so that we desire what God wills to give. That is how it comes to pass that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, we can be sure that He will give us the desires of our heart.
We want that He wills. The Spirit brings to expression the unutterable things of the soul. His groanings are before our praying, and our prayers are born of His travail. In Him is the supply of life and desire, wisdom and faith, intercession and power. He quickens desire, purifies motive, inspires confidence, and assures faith.
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Let's pray-
Father, we understand that Your Holy Spirit's mission is to glorify Christ and all His work for our Atonement for sins. He was given to Christ's disciples, and to us today, as a Coronation gift of Jesus, whom the Father has made to be both Lord and Christ.
The fellowship of Your Spirit in prayer is made possible by an experience we have in Christ. Those who pray in the Spirit must be in the Spirit, and if the Spirit of God is to make intercession for us, He must dwell in us, live through us, and work by us.
As He knows Your Mind, He searches Your deep things, and reveals them to us. We pray in the Spirit, are instructed and inspired by Him, as He makes intercession for us in wordless intercession.
This is the New Testament explanation of prayer that prevails. Though Mr. Chadwick didn't know it until years after it happened to him, he saw that You had given him a new understanding, a new joy, and a new power in prayer; which is really what he was searching for.
Father, we ask for this power in our prayers, that we may accomplish more for Christ, and to bring Him the glory He deserves. Amen.
Today's quote-
Max Lucado-
"…perfecting holiness in the fear of God" 2 Cor. 7:1
“Therefore, having these promises . . . ” I claim God’s promises for my life and look to their fulfillment, and rightly so, but that shows only the human perspective on them. God’s perspective is that through His promises I will come to recognize His claim of ownership on me. For example, do I realize that my "body is the temple of the Holy Spirit," or am I condoning some habit in my body which clearly could not withstand the light of God on it? (1 Corinthians 6:19).
God formed His Son in me through sanctification, setting me apart from sin and making me holy in His sight (see Galatians 4:19). But I must begin to transform my natural life into spiritual life by obedience to Him. God instructs us even in the smallest details of life. And when He brings you conviction of sin, do not "confer with flesh and blood," but cleanse yourself from it at once (Galatians 1:16). Keep yourself cleansed in your daily walk. (From My Utmost for His Highest Updated Edition) Emphasis added.
God formed His Son in me through sanctification, setting me apart from sin and making me holy in His sight (see Galatians 4:19). But I must begin to transform my natural life into spiritual life by obedience to Him. God instructs us even in the smallest details of life. And when He brings you conviction of sin, do not "confer with flesh and blood," but cleanse yourself from it at once (Galatians 1:16). Keep yourself cleansed in your daily walk. (From My Utmost for His Highest Updated Edition) Emphasis added.
Today's next 5 posts of 100 things Our God Is . . .
51. A Sure Foundation
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52. Upholding All things by the Word of His Power
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53. Watching Over His Word to Perform It
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54. A Rewarder of Those Who Diligently Seek Him
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55. No Respecter of Persons
Today's popular post-
#75 God Blesses When You Unite in Prayer
Dr. Wesley L. Duewel: "Perhaps we should distinguish between being united in prayer and being in united prayer.
When a call for prayer is issued, people can join in praying for the same need or request wherever they are. All whose hearts cry to God are thus united in prayer."
Today's question-
Is God after you?
That, you can be sure of! He loves each of us unconditionally, and He'll do what He can to get your attention too. He wants to draw you to His love and forgiveness, demonstrated in and through His Son, Christ Jesus.
He showed His grace by giving us Jesus as a replacement for the payment of our sins, as One who was perfect in every way. Our Almighty and Perfect God could not accept sin of any degree in anyone in His Presence, so a perfect sacrifice had to be made to atone for sin from Adam and Eve up to this moment and beyond.
We are saved through faith in Jesus, and we grow in our faith through our actions, reinforcing it with dedicated obedience to His Spirit's leading.
The Father's desire is to have relationship with each of us. He has provided the gifts needed to accomplish it within the individual church bodies who are alive with the Spirit of Christ.
As we attend ours, Christ confirms that through those who are obedient believers, who work within their giftings, we can grow as mature members to help build our local churches.
True believers are eager for Christ's return, which no doubt could happen very soon. He will sustain us until that day, and beyond, as we will live with Him in glory for eternity.
Is God after you?
That, you can be sure of! He loves each of us unconditionally, and He'll do what He can to get your attention too. He wants to draw you to His love and forgiveness, demonstrated in and through His Son, Christ Jesus.
He showed His grace by giving us Jesus as a replacement for the payment of our sins, as One who was perfect in every way. Our Almighty and Perfect God could not accept sin of any degree in anyone in His Presence, so a perfect sacrifice had to be made to atone for sin from Adam and Eve up to this moment and beyond.
We are saved through faith in Jesus, and we grow in our faith through our actions, reinforcing it with dedicated obedience to His Spirit's leading.
The Father's desire is to have relationship with each of us. He has provided the gifts needed to accomplish it within the individual church bodies who are alive with the Spirit of Christ.
As we attend ours, Christ confirms that through those who are obedient believers, who work within their giftings, we can grow as mature members to help build our local churches.
True believers are eager for Christ's return, which no doubt could happen very soon. He will sustain us until that day, and beyond, as we will live with Him in glory for eternity.
Upcoming posts-
Handling Discouragements
30th- Saturday's post by Mary Southerland#25 The Prayer of the Spirit
4/2nd- Tuesday's post by Samuel Chadwick
#26 Praying to God Our Father
4th- Thursday's post by Samuel Chadwick
How to Prepare for the Reality of Suffering as a Christian
6th- Saturday's post by Zane Pratt
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Dog and tulips |
Jean's blog (Click to see snippets of the 7 recent posts)
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