Saturday, June 1, 2019

Are You Struggling with Fear?

Fear filled womanHave you ever been so convinced of something, that you made a decision and took action and then wondered how or why you did that? … How could I have been so sure then and wondering why now? What can cause this to occur? 
Fear is the enemy we struggle with when doubt is given a resting place. Is there something today that you are confused over or being tormented about? 

Perhaps a vital relationship that is in trouble; your spouse, child, parents – something is amiss and you are ready to walk away. In these moments there is only one remedy; open the Word of God and search out an answer (Hebrews 11:6). 

Jesus spoke in various places about His Kingdom and what it is like (Read Matthew 13). Yes, our faith-filled friends can come alongside to encourage us, but in the end we must search and find for ourselves. We must discover faith that overcomes fear.
Consider the disciples during the last week of Jesus life. Place yourself in their shoes: think about what they walked through in the days leading up to Christ’s crucifixion. 
DisciplesThey had come to a place of believing, knowing that He was the promised Messiah, yet they struggled through feelings of doubt and fear.They saw the miracles He performed to rescue people from sickness, disease and even death, yet they doubted at times… Was He really who He said he is?”, they thought. They faced this kind of fear often while journeying with Jesus and especially after he was crucified. 

 were in constant threat of turmoil or even death. Self-preservation was all they knew up to this point in life; it is our natural course. Yet, down the road something would happen to cause them to become fearless (Acts 4:31), in the face of threats and even death.
The battle between our natural-man and the new-man, seated in Christ, is what reveals our faith. The ability to overcome our natural fears is found through our identification with Christ Himself, living on the inside by the Holy Spirit. Jesus told His disciples, “I will not leave your comfortless, but I will come to you…(Please read John Chapter 14.) Remember, growing our faith through wise choices is important.
If you are facing fear today, of any sort, remember that Jesus has come to give you life in Himself (John 10:10). The Holy Spirit living inside of us gives us the ability to overcome fear. There are practices that will help you become strong in your relationship with Him. Reading His Word daily and surrendering your life afresh to Him each day is the starting point. 

Without the power of God’s words to renew our minds we will be subject to our own human weakness and Satan’s devices; we will succumb to double-mindedness as James tells us (James 1:6-8). The way to lay hold of stability in our thinking is by building up our faith through the scripture. Pray, talk to your Heavenly Father, just as Jesus did , and as He taught His disciples to do (Matthew 6:9-13). You will find closeness with Him greater than what you can share with any person.
We have an enemy that plays with our minds, attempting to destroy our faith andfear woman separate us from the love of God. 
Once you’ve entered God’s Kingdom you gain power against the workers of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). Have you discovered yet, how real they are? Perhaps not. Perhaps you’re still thinking that dark thoughts come from your own shame, but they actually are planted; sown by your enemy. Satan has a host of “workers of darkness” that come to destroy faith.
There’s a couple of songs we sing that remind me often of how much we live in a culture filled with manifestations of the enemies success in deceiving people into fear, doubt, shame and sin. 
I’m thankful for these lyrics that remind us how to counter-act the schemes of the enemy, how to fight our battles, that fear is a liar, the we are no longer slaves to fear, and of the relentless, reckless love of God in seeking us (Read Luke 15); He rescues us if we let Him. That’s what the cross for Christ was all about.
Today, if you hear His voice, surrender to it. Do not harden your heart because of past pain or violation against you. Come into the shelter of His arms and find rest. He will hold you there. There will still be battles until we get home to Heaven, but we will learn how to fight them and like Jesus disciples, we can become fearless in His name and by His power at work in us.
Photo Credit: Canva, Pixabay
Are You Struggling with Fear?  
Nancy Demary  Originally Posted on 
(Used by permission)
Are you Worried and Afraid?  By Kelly Balarie
"Is my endless worry strong enough to protect me or is Jesus?
Are my strategies strong enough to protect me or is Jesus?
Are my words strong enough to save me or is Jesus?"

How to Laugh and Play More as a Family

by Karen Friday
"In our hurry-up culture, our fill-every-spot-on-the-calendar life, and our present social media world, we sometimes lose sight of what matters most. And we forget in all the planning and going and doing to spend quality and fun time with our family...those who mean the most to our hearts.  Because we all need to laugh more, […]"

Did you know?

~ Real faith can stand up to any challenge if anchored in the One who is Faithful.
~ When others are overwhelmed by challenge, we're to be the loving support that functions out of peace.

5 more of 100 one-line Scriptures for you to learn this week
                                       {I'm working today on #90!}
By repeating each day's verse several times, you can do it too!

11. Ps. 62:5 "My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him."
12. Ps. 91:2 "I will say of the LORD, 'He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him i will trust.' "
13. Ps. 128:1 "Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways."
14. Prov. 18:10 "
The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."

15. Matt. 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Upcoming posts-

     #43 The Law of Faith in Prayer
4th- Tuesday's post by Samuel Chadwick

     #44 Ask Righteously
6th- Thursday's post by Samuel Chadwick

     When All Seems Lost
8th- Saturday's post by Leslie Koh

     #45 Praying "Praying for Another"
11th- Tuesday's post by Samuel Chadwick

Dream Big!


Jean's blog (Click to see snippets of the 7 recent posts)

1 comment:

  1. Powerful thoughts on fear, Jean. This line is great insight, "Fear is the enemy we struggle with when doubt is given a resting place." So true! Thanks for sharing my article on how to laugh and play more as a family! Blessings!
