Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Letter From God

God speaking:

“I know you’re mad at Me right now.

That’s alright. People have been mad at Me before and will be again.

Being mad is part of being human.

My Son got mad, too.

It’s alright to be mad sometimes at injustice, for example, or the lack of charity.

You probable think I am unjust
and uncharitable when an airplane goes down like that. 
All those people lost. The children gone. It doesn’t seem right; it can’t be loving. 

You ask, ‘Where was God?’ Why did He allow that to happen?’
I allow it to happen because I allow you freedom. 

I could have left you on a string and made you dance all day without getting tired. 

I could have moved your mouth for you and made you sing all night without growing hoarse. 

I could have pulled a wire that would have let you soar skyward and never fall.
I could have, but I didn't because I love you so much. 

I want you to be free to decide when to dance and sing.

Free to determine when you will come to Me in faith and hope. 

Because you are free, some of you choose not to dance or sing. 

Some of you select hatred over love, revenge over forgiveness, bombs over a helping hand. 

As you choose, I watch. I do not disappear. I listen to both the songs and the bombs. AND I REMEMBER.
‘Where was God?’ you wonder…I was there. 

I whispered in the ear of a little girl. ‘Don’t be afraid, I am with you.’ 

I held the hand of a business woman as tightly as she clutched mine.

I cradled a pilot against my shoulder as if he were a baby again.
Amid the paralyzing fear, I was there, as I was there with my Son in the garden. 

Amid the unbearable pain, I was there, as I was with Him as He was whipped. 

Amid the terrible realization that life was ending too soon, I was there, with Him as He hung on the cross and asked, like you. 

‘My God, why have you forsaken Me?’
I had not forsaken Him. I did not forsake them. 

I was there as they fell, as they rose to eternal joy. 

I listened to their anger, answered their questions and showed them why they had been created. 

Not to end that way, but to live with Me forever
In an instant, they came into existence. As you did. 

In an instant, they left this world As you will. 

But beyond that last instant, I kept my promise…A little girl dances, a business woman sings, and a pilot keeps his wings forever."

My brother, Ralph Mason, sent this to me quite a while ago, and upon finding it recently, I felt it was a “must read” for us all. 

Tears, no doubt came, as you read God’s answers to our heart’s questions about His awareness of evil and trouble all around us.
Ralph’s Sunday School class had written this as their project one month in their Methodist church in Scotia, NY. 

The following are those who actually signed the paper (without last names). Martha, Clarence, Dane, Annie, Bob, Ralph, Kay, Elsie, Martha, Shirley and Rupert. (If I've misspelled a name, please forgive me.)  
[Google image added]

This post was originally sent out April 30/12. I believe it needs to be offered today, for those who are angry or upset with God. It will help folks understand that He is loving and forgiving, and does not forsake us. 

When Christ was on the cross, the Father had to leave Him for at least two reasons, I believe. One is that the Father, Who was in Him, could not die, so He had to leave Christ's body. 

The other was so Christ would understand fully what complete abandonment meant. He knows your deepest feelings, because He's tasted the depth of each heart ache you will ever experience, my friend

Our Scripture for today:  Is. 53:5 "But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the chastisement that brought us peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed."

Tomorrow’s post:  Get Busy With Hope  Marcia Gaddis

Samples of Jean's crafts

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