Sunday, May 26, 2013

Why We Need to Forgive

Jean Oathout shares with us some thoughts on our need to forgive.

When we are in denial of any Unforgiveness, we are actually hurting ourselves.

As we realize that others have hurt us in some way, we find that we will need to deal with it in some manner.

How we do depends upon us, and what we’ve been taught.

If we confess to be “Christian”, there is a way of getting rid of thoughts that plague us.

Will we actually forgive the person who has offended us in some way, or are we going to harbor thoughts that torment us? 

It really is our choice.

Sometimes, there is a misunderstanding, and the thing that happened may not even be the way we thought.

If we are to cancel the “debt” that we think someone owes us, we must address what actually happened, and begin to realize we were possibly mistaken.

It may be that the other person may not have actually said what we thought they said, or really meant.

It is our choice to stop resenting something, or someone’s behavior.

God will help us choose to let it go, and to make peace.

My thoughts were taken from Sharon Reynolds' notes from the women's conference (2/25/12) called The Power of forgiveness - 70x7

The following definitions of forgiveness are also from Sharon's notes:

“FORGIVENESS: The act of pardoning somebody for a mistake or wrongdoing.

UNFORGIVENESS: Lack of love for one another.”

The following is quoted from Joyce Meyers:

“Unforgiveness, resentment and bitterness are spiritual maladies that keep many people from living a spirit-filled life.

Keeping score of all the hurts we have suffered does more spiritual damage to us than those who have offended us.

In fact we can suffer serious physical illnesses as a result of Unforgiveness.

It is difficult to forgive? Absolutely, but the rewards are well worth it!

When we choose to forgive, we release ourselves from sin’s power.

The act of forgiving others allows God to work his will and our healing in the situation.”

Further notes from Sharon Reynolds’ notes:

Why Should we Forgive – It’s About Love:

  • We are commanded to do so. The 10 commandments, The Lord’s Prayer, Communion.
  • John 13:34 “- love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples. If you love one another.”
  • Eph. 4:32 – “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you."
  • Everything we do in life that has eternal value hinges on 2 things:
                            LOVING GOD
                               LOVING OTHERS 

God sees these two as the same! One of the most loving things we can do is to love others! God perfects us in loving our enemies. Matt. 5:48 

Forgive Parents. Exodus 20:12. "Honor your father and mother that your life may be long."

While we honor God in our decisions to forgive, we are also honoring our own souls. 

We'll experience His peace in every situation that we deal with, by forgiving and letting them go.

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Let’s pray: Father, I see my need to practice forgiveness. I ask for You to help me see the issues that are lodged in my spirit, that I should deal with. I ask for You to enable me to admit, confess, and let go of whatever bothers me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Ps. 73:28 "But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works."

Today’s quote: Joe Stowell – “Because you have God’s presence and provision, you can make the most of your time in every season by following Jesus closely, spending time in His Word and prayer, loving and forgiving more freely than ever before and serving others with joy and generosity. God has blessed us with our present season - make the most of it!”

Our thought today:
We honor God by pressing through our obstacles and do what He shows us to do.

Tomorrow’s post: 

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