Saturday, June 8, 2013

#15 The Welsh Revival

Dr. R. A. Torrey continues to share with us from his booklet, what Prayer can do: "The great Welsh revival in 1904, of the beginning of which I was an eye-witness, came in a similar way. 

Mr. Alexander and I had been invited to Cardiff, Wales for month's mission.

When we reached Cardiff we found that for almost a year they had been holding a prayer-meeting from six to seven every morning in Penarth, a suburb of Cardiff, praying for a great revival. 

For the first two weeks or so things dragged.

Great crowds came and there was great enthusiasm in the singing, but we could not get the people to do personal work.

Then we appointed a day of fasting and prayer, and the day was observed in other parts of Wales as well as in Cardiff.

In one place Seth Joshua, who was afterwards so greatly used in the revival, was the leading figure and had charge of the meeting, and wrote me a most glowing and cheering account of what God had done in that place on that day.

I think it was on that very day that he was kneeling beside Evan Roberts, and as he prayed the power of God fell upon Even Roberts.

The power of God came down in Cardiff in such a wonderful way that when Mr. Alexander and I were compelled to leave at the end of the month in order to keep an engagement in Liverpool, the meetings went right on without us and they went on for one whole year, meetings every night for a whole year, and multitudes were converted.

From Cardiff the fire spread up and down the valleys of Wales."

[On 6/10, we'll continue with Dr. Torrey's account with, The Power of God Fell]

Today’s post
 -#15 The Welsh Revival, in the series from what Prayer can do, by Dr. R. A. Torrey. Published by REVIVAL MOVEMENT ASSOCIATION, of Northern Ireland.   

Let’s pray:  Father, touch our hearts to pray for the moving of Your Holy Spirit in us, and in our area. May we also witness a mighty force among us, of salvations that are real and lasting. In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Salvation prayer: Lord, God, I understand that I'm a sinner, like everyone else around me. I ask that You apply the blood of Jesus to my soul, for the forgiveness of all my past, present, and future sins. It will be my honor to live for You, instead of my self. I give You my life, and all that I am and have. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Ps. 124:8 "Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth."

Today’s quote: Francis Frangipane -  A man might be a nominal Christian, mostly unaffected by spiritual things, until one day he reads the Bible and the Holy Spirit ignites in him a fire. If that person remains steadfast in his inspiration, he will increasingly pattern his life after Jesus Christ - that is, he will become more loving, more forgiving, and more ready to give his life for the redemption of others. Spiritual gifts will accompany his life as He becomes Christlike. As Jesus said, "The works that I do, he will do also" (John 14:12).

Tomorrow’s post:  The Golden Eagle  Dave Egner

A popular post: Dance of the Butterflies

The frail butterfly


  1. Thanks for sharing this.

    If you'd like to hear more about the aftermath of the Welsh Revival check out my ebook at


    1. Thanks for your information. I trust there will be those who will check out your ebook.
