Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Flying Miracle

 Dave Branon shares with us, "Among God's creatures, the butterfly is one of the most stunningly beautiful! 

Its gentle flight, colorful wings, and amazing migratory patterns are traits that make the butterfly a masterpiece of the natural world.

This flying insect, while supplying us with visual enjoyment, also supplies us with amazing examples of the marvels of God's creative work.

For instance, the majestic monarch butterfly can travel 3,000 miles on its migration to Central America - only to end up at the same tree its parents or even grandparents landed on a generation or two earlier.

It does this guided by a brain the size of a pinhead.

Or consider the monarch's metamorphosis.

After the caterpillar builds a chrysalis around itself, it releases a chemical that turns its inside to mush - no perceptible parts.

Somehow from this emerges the brain, internal parts, head, legs, and wings of a butterfly.

One butterfly expert said, 'The creation of the body of a caterpillar into the body and wings of a butterfly is, without doubt, one of the wonders of life on earth.'

Another expert feels that this metamorphosis is 'rightly regarded as a miracle.'

'How manifold are [God's] works!" Ps. 104:24 - and the butterfly is but one of them."

          "We stand amazed, God, at the awesome creation You

            allow us to enjoy. From distant galaxies to beautiful
         butterflies, You have given us a world that speaks loudly
             of Your love for us. Thank You, Lord, for creation.

            Creation's design points to the Master Designer."

                                  Our Daily Bread  7/2/13

Let’s pray: Wow, Father, what incredible beauty! We know that we are fearfully made, too! We thank You for Your being willing to create such wonders for us to see and learn about. 

May our eyes be open more, to notice the beauty all around us every day. Father, to know You is a miracle in itself! We are so thankful for what Christ did for us on that cruel cross so many years ago for us! May we allow You to transform us into awesome creations who bring You honor and glory with our lives. In the precious Name of Jesus, amen. 
Today’s Bible verse: Ps. 100:3 "Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and sheep of his pasture."

Today’s two quotes: Roy Hession – “People are mistaken if they think they can become instantly holy and godly by praying for it. You see, righteousness is a gift, but godliness is not. Godliness can only be gained through dying to self and obedience to Jesus, learning from Him how to walk in humility. That’s the reason He stands at the door and knocks, continuing to speak to us through His Word and many other ways. But because the only door to godliness is brokenness and yielding, He must wait until we choose the way of the cross.”

[This quote is taken from Hession’s book, The Calvary Road, as seen in an article found in Gospel for Asia’s Send! magazine for March 2013, pg. 23]

  Mark Evens Like a computer, the output of your brain is determined by what you program into it. Is your mind filled with the thinking of the world, or with the thinking of God? A Christian who is walking in the power of the Holy Spirit and thinking with a renewed mind is a great danger to the kingdom of Satan.

Some thoughts today: Let’s grow in our wonder of God. He is calling us to know Him more fully. His Spirit will help us understand Him and His ways.

- The last thing Jesus told His disciples was to wait for the Holy Ghost, that they may receive maximum power for witnessing. Allow the Holy Spirit to reign in your life, and stay free from sin. People are looking to you for a real life example of God’s grace. [This in itself is a miracle!]

Holiness begins at the Cross and continues daily. Every day we’re to celebrate our salvation, realizing Christ died for us, and that He has saved us from our past, to live for Him, for His glory. 

Tomorrow’s post: There is Love for You Tammie Johnson
A popular post:   Master Designer [Mary Southerland] God has a design for each of our lives.

Such a beauty!
[Google images added]

Samples of Jean's crafts

 Granny’s Guide to Marriage in Verse  my book with for women contemplating marriage.

                 #11  When You Surrender
All Your life

"When you surrender all your life
To Jesus Christ the king,
He'll be your Guide when you're a wife
And all that it can bring..."

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