Tuesday, April 8, 2014

#73 Recruiting Short-Term Pray-ers

C. Peter Wagner says, "None of what I have said so far should lead us to imagine that the only prayer that pastors and other leaders need to receive is that of recognized 1-1, 1-2 or 1-3 intercessors.

Many members of my Sunday School class do not pray for me on a regular or daily basis, for example, and yet they do pray through when there is a special need.

I consider it important to let them know of my prayer requests in general, and some more specifically. I share requests every week.

Sandra Gilbreath, one of our 1-2 intercessors, also heads the prayer ministry of the 120 Fellowship. 

Sandra gives leadership to the prayer ministry in class time; she identifies and recruits those who have a special desire to pray for people and needs of the class; she leads a pre-class prayer meeting; she processes prayer request slips filled out in class; she organizes prayer chains for special needs as required.

For example, when Doris or I or both of us go on some ministry trips, Sandra organizes a prayer and fasting chain.

We do not request it on every trip and thereby we avoid it becoming a formality or a routine. But when we feel a certain ministry will be a special target of spiritual warfare, Sandra organizes her prayer chain.

Sandra typically will cut, paste and photocopy a page from a date book that contains spaces for all the days we will be gone, including one week after the trip.

We have learned from hard experience that frequently the most severe spiritual attacks will come right after, not during, a certain ministry assignment.

Sandra then makes an announcement in class and passes the prepared sheet around. Class members, whether they are Wagner prayer partners or not, fill their names in on one or more days on which they promise to fast at least one meal and pray for us and for the ministry. 

Sandra then gives us a photocopy of the filled-in calendar, and she reminds those who have signed up when their day comes around.

{Wagner goes on to relate his saving the copies of the prayer schedules, and noticed that on his recent trip to Argentina and Brazil, most of the attacks were visible ones, and that they were short lived.}

"None of them became a barrier of any sort to my ministry on those days. I believe that the enemy again was frustrated through prayer."

#73 Recruiting Short-Term Pray-ers,
in the series taken from C. Peter 

Wagner’s book, PRAYER SHIELDHow 
to intercede for pastors, Christian leaders 
and others on the spiritual frontlines. 
(pgs. 144 -145) by Regal Books

et’s pray:
   Father, when our hearts are stirred to pray for our leaders and friends, may we be obedient to Your Spirit, and pray!

   Help us join with others on special occasions of need, whether physical or spiritual, and be determined to support them.

   I ask for discernment to pray effectively and fervently, when asked to pray for someone, or some meetings that I've learned about.

   I ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse:  Ps. 145:19 "He will fulfill the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them."

Today’s quote: Tracy Heigh - "We should release the kingdom, not beg!"

Some thoughts today: Prophetic ministry is not fortune-telling. They give direction for God's plan, as they speak about what the person's giftings will be. The recipient is to become teachable, so as to learn how to do what they've been told.

-We are to test the word given to us by prophets with what we already have known to be what God's leading is. It needs to agree in our spirits.

- Where do you fit in the plan of the local Body of Christ? Keep seeking God's leading through Bible teaching, Life groups, and Christian friends.

Presbytery meetings are to help us see the worth in others, as the prophets speak truth into their lives. We are astonished at what is said, as we are witnesses of the truth of their "word", for we've come to know the folks receiving prophecy. 

One of the requirements of receiving prophetic words, is that they be a member of the local church, and in the church long enough to prove themselves as responsible Christians.

10th- Thursday’s post:  #74  Recruiting 1-3 Intercessors  C. Peter Wagner

12th- Saturday's post:  Lessons From My Dog  Judy Doyle

13th- Sunday's post:  It's All About Jesus  Michael Brooks

13th- evening's post:  How DO We Honor Christ?  Jean Oathout

A popular post: Sometimes You'll Not Know What to Say  Jean Oathout says, "This information in my book, will help women realize that God is always ready to help us, when we ask Him." 

What beauty! God is Good!

jowildflowers@gmail.com (for comments)

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