Tuesday, May 6, 2014

#81 She Is An Intercessor

C. Peter Wagner tells us that "Cho himself did the first session of teaching at the conference,  #80 Recruiting I-1 Intercessors, and he had his board sit on the platform behind him.

I must admit as I sat in the back row of the board members' section, my mind was not totally on Cho's teaching, excellent as it was.

I had heard the same teaching every year for any number of years.

{Peter goes on to confess he was scribbling on his yellow pad, instead of taking notes, looking up occasionally to nod his head. One time he did this, his eyes focused on a person sitting so far away he couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman.}

When I looked at her, God spoke very clearly in my spirit saying, 'She is an intercessor!'

I thought it was very nice that we had at least one intercessor in the audience and went on writing letters.

But twice more exactly the same thing happened. It was remarkable enough for me to make a mental note, but I thought nothing more about it until the break.

I had spotted two of my Fuller students in the audience and as I had not yet greeted them, I went off the platform and made my way back to where they were standing.

After conversing with my students, I met a man, who introduced himself as Eddie Smith, a pastor on the staff of Calvary Baptist Church, Houston, Texas.

After asking him some questions, I went over to his wife.

She told me her name was Alice Smith. I immediately said, 'You're an intercessor, aren't you?' She raised her eyebrows and said, 'How did you know?'

'God told me while I was up on the platform,' I replied. Alice started sobbing! 'I can't believe I'm talking to you,'  she blurted. 

'Six months ago God told me to start praying for you and I have been praying for you constantly ever since. I never imagined I would actually meet you in person!'

Doris and I then arranged to spend several hours with Alice and Eddie before we left Korea. At one point I asked Doris, 'Do you think Alice might be a candidate for a new prayer partner?'

'What are we waiting for?' Doris said, 'We'd better invite her before we leave!' So we asked her, and she immediately accepted because she had known for six months that God had assigned the job to her.

At that point Alice became an I-2 prayer partner. 

Among other things, God told me that Alice would be my most powerful intercessor. I asked God how this could be since Cathy Schaller had been my most powerful intercessor for years. 

He did not answer at that time, but a few weeks afterward He showed us that He was giving Cathy another assignment with DAWN Ministries.

Meanwhile I had spoken to Alice about switching from an I-2 to an I-1. I  marvel at the goodness of God in providing us a new I-1 intercessor even before reassigning the one He had so graciously given us for seven years."

#81  She Is An Intercessor, in the 
series taken from C. Peter Wagner’s 
book, PRAYER SHIELDHow to 
intercede for pastors, Christian leaders 
and others on the spiritual frontlines. 
(pgs. 152-154) by Regal Books

PRAYER SHIELD  ChristianBooks - Scroll down to Wagner's book - offered for $9.69

Announcing my book:
Today through May-11

Also, from another author, Mary Southerland:

Mary Southerland Summer Sale
Sweet Summer Sale!
May 5th - 12th

Let’s pray:

   Father, when we become aware of our own need to support our leaders in prayer, may we make it a priority.

   Help us pray effectively and fervently for them, so we can actually have a very real part in their ministry.

   Open our spiritual eyes as to what to ask in particular, and may we be sensitive to what it is You're speaking to us.

   I ask this in the precious Name of Jesus, amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Mark 16:18b "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."  

Today’s quotes: "If you'd like to know the love of God the Father, come to Him through Jesus Christ, His Loving Son; He'll forgive your sins and save your soul forever, and you'll love forevermore this faithful One." Felton

Our Daily Bread - "Calvary reveals the seriousness of our sin and the vastness of God's love."  4/30/14

e thoughts today: There are times to put up your hand and say, "Thus far, Satan, and no further shall you go!", and mean it!

- The fact of the matter is, you can speak to someone's infirmity and say, "I rebuke what Satan's accomplished so far, and command that his control be broken, and that the person will know complete freedom from it!"

- If a new part is needed in the person's body, God waits to replace the diseased part with a new one, so wants you to command a new part to be implanted, in Jesus' Name. Have them say, "Thank You, Jesus!" 

This shows that they are believing for the creative miracle. Ask them to do something they couldn't do before, as that's when the healing takes place! Have them go to their doctor to get confirmation of the healing.

Matt. 15:29-31 TLB,  tells us of Jesus doing great miracles, where people who were crippled, or blind, and who had missing legs and arms, were healed! Jesus said we could do the same, and even more!  

John 14:12 "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

8th- Thursday’s post:  #82  Life-Saving Intercession  C. Peter Wagner

10th- Saturday's post:  Reasons to Laugh - (for seniors, or anyone) United Health Care

11th- Sunday's post:  Feelings vs. Truth  Kandy Wooter

11th- evening's post:  Crucifying the Resurrected Self  Pastor Saeed

12th- Special post:  Roses For Mama  James Cagle

A popular post: The Church, God's Womb Upon the Earth  Dutch Sheets shares with us,  “Whether through speaking, touching, laying hands on the sick, declaration or worship, when God’s power starts flowing upon the earth, it is flowing through human vessels."

jowildflowers@gmail.com (for comments)

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Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse 
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