Tuesday, May 6, 2014

#82 Life-Saving Intercession

C. Peter Wagner "A couple of 
months after this, (about a 
woman in a previous post being
an intercessor), God seemed to 
seal this new relationship with a 
second incident in which I believe 
my physical life was  again saved. 

The first one, #66 I-1 Intercession, where Cathy prayed for me as I fell off the ladder, involved several physical and tangible details, which indicated probable cause and effect, although, as I said, I could not prove in a court of law that her prayer saved my life.

This second incident can only be interpreted in the Spirit and what might have happened to me had it not been for Alice's intercession is left to speculation.

Alice Smith, 40,(as mentioned in a previous post, #80 Recruiting I-1 Intercessors ), is a mother of four and a real estate agent.

She is a Bible teacher and conference speaker. She called me on November 23, 1990, to tell me what had happened to her on November 15.

That day she had already been praying for Doris and me for two and a half hours, when a change came over her and an incredibly intense spiritual battle began.

In more that 16 years of experience in high-level spiritual warfare, it was the most awesome attack she had been involved in.

She logged 1:15 P.M. in her journal, and knew that I was in grave physical danger.

As she started to intercede, the Lord gave her a vision of a principality coming out of the south. Later information has led us to suspect that the source of the spiritual attack was the spirit of death, known as San La Muerte, which we had been battling in Argentina throughout most of 1990.

The story of that front-line warfare in Argentina is told in
my book, Warfare Prayer Peter Wagner - Amazon.com‎,
(Regal Books).

Whether that spirit of death itself was directly involved or whether assignments had been passed through some sort of hierarchy of dark angels, we do not know.

Alice says, 'The principality was as a man and it was hovering over Peter's left shoulder with an arrow in its hand pointing toward his heart. I was crying out, 'Save him, Lord! Have mercy and save him!'

The Lord revealed that this was a spirit of death. I asked the Holy Spirit if Peter was okay, and He replied, 'His life is in the balance!'

Travail then poured out of me! I was under such labor of prayer that I crawled to the phone and asked Eddie (her husband) to pray. Eddie later told me he thought I was dying and he enlisted Pastor Steve Meeks and some of our other intercessors to help.

The battle became more intense. I cried for mercy, reminding the Father of His plans for Peter, speaking the Scripture, warring the forces of darkness.

Then at 1:57 P.M., as quickly as it began, it ended.

I saw a warring angel of the Lord come and snatch the arrow from the principality's hand, break it in two over his knee, and leave westward! The spirit of death just disappeared.'

Alice was totally fatigued. Her strength was gone. Her legs felt like spaghetti. She lay on the floor for an hour and a half after it was over before she could get up and go about her business.

And me? It would have occurred between 11 A. M. and 12 noon in my time zone on that day. Neither Doris nor I could recall any signs of danger around us at that time. 

Apparently, Alice had fended off the spirit of death much as a Patriot missile intercepted Scud missiles in the Persian Gulf War before they could land and explode.

The apostle Paul was thankful for Euodia and Syntyche who did spiritual warfare on his behalf. (#12 Paul's Prayer Partners: Enodia and Syntyche.)

Doris and I are equally thankful for I-1 intercessors such as Cathy and Alice who have taken many of the enemy's blows for us."

#82  Life-Saving Intercession, in the 
series taken from C. Peter Wagner’s 
book, PRAYER SHIELDHow to 
intercede for pastors, Christian leaders 
and others on the spiritual frontlines.
 152-154) by Regal Books

PRAYER SHIELD  ChristianBooks - Scroll 
down to Wagner's book - offered for $9.69

Let’s pray:

   Father, if there's a dire need for prayer to cover my leaders for their protection, I ask that You inform me, so I can intercede for them.

   I will be honored to pray for them at such times, as well as daily.

   Make me aware of what You want done for them in prayer, and I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.

Let’s pray for our pastors:  “Jesus, keep my pastor holy in every way. Protect _____________from seducing spirits, especially when he/she is tired and hard-pressed. Provide friends to help protect my pastor and to walk with him/her in personal holiness 1 Peter 1:16.

Announcing my book:

Today’s Bible verse: Ps. 142:1,2 NIV "I cry aloud to the LORD; I lift up my voice to the LORD for mercy. I pour out my complaint before him; before him I tell my trouble."

A Hard Row to Hoe 2

A Hard Row to Hoe

By Diana Derringer on May 05, 2014 08:00 pm: "A long line of plants can be a hard row to hoe. Gazing from one end to the other, we want to give up before we start.

My parents believe in the value of hard work. 

Therefore, my sister and I began gardening at an early age. I thought those garden rows would never end. Plus, Kentucky summer temperatures often reach the 90’s with humidity near 100 percent. Many times I wanted to shout, “Let the weeds have it!”

I recall standing in the hot sun, fuming at the cruelty of it all. I pledged that once I had a home of my own, I would never plant a garden. Famous last words!"

I hope you'll check out Diana's post, and find out what she discovered. I was chalenged, and feel you may be, too. A Hard Row to Hoe

Today’s quote: Donald Bloesch – “Sin in the biblical perspective is positive rebellion.”

Charles Stanley – “Basically, if we're still alive to witness the Rapture, those left behind will be rummaging through believer's houses since they'll be vacant. His question: What will they find?”

Some thoughts today: You have an unconscious influence, whether you know it or not! Others are watching how you handle each situation...

- God will enable you to do what He asks of you. His strength will become yours. He will make a transformation in you as you submit to His working through you in every situation.

- The more we allow God to help us in our "mission", we learn that He will meet our every need, to bring glory to Him. Don't have any "strings attached" to your saying that you are willing to be obedient, and will serve Him.

10th- Saturday’s post:  Reasons to Laugh - (for seniors, or anyone)  United Health Care

11th- Sunday's post:  Late Arrivals Welcome  Randy Kilgore

11th- evening's post:  Crucifying the Resurrected Self  Pastor Saeed

12th- Special post:  Roses For Mama  James Cagle

A popular post: How DO You See Through God's Eyes? Jill Savage tells us, "When talking about the challenging past year with a friend of mine, she asked me how I kept bitterness out of my heart..." 

jowildflowers@gmail.com (for comments)

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Announcing my book:

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse  
Kindle $2.99 a review would be
Bridal Shower Devotional: Bridal
Wisdom for Women

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse 
My book in paperback $7.95
(Check out the Reviews on the
Kindle page of my book)

Wisdom for Brides (Christian
Marriage, Counseling, & Help)

(Volume 1)

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