Saturday, June 7, 2014

Do You Have Empty Jars?

Barb Suiter shares with us, "My faith sets the limits of my miracles.

My blue bird houses had to be emptied and cleaned out for a new season of nesting. 

Imagine my sadness when I scraped out a dead blue bird. Emptying and cleaning out for a refilling is part of life, whether it is boxes, jars, garages, or birdhouses.

'Do you have an empty jar?' the grieving widow asked her neighbors, hesitantly at first, somewhat embarrassed at such a request. 

'Ask your neighbors for empty jars. And don't ask for just a few. Then go home and shut your door.' (2 Kings 4:3, 4)

The widow was commanded to ask for jars. She needed as many as she could collect. Even as questions arose in her worried spirit, she continued to walk, continued to ask her curious neighbors. 

Carrying her empty treasures, she obeyed the prophet's command, 'But first shut the door.'

God often works in the secret places. He chooses to come when the door is 'shut' from questions, from curiosity, faithless opinions, and fear. 

How often do I seek Google's solution or call a friend to tell me what I want to hear? Then the Lord whispers, "Shut the door." 

When I am protected from prying eyes and inquiring minds behind closed doors, I am free to surrender in hushed obedience. 

Total obedience comes first in the silent chambers of my heart. His presence, His answer, His peace are poured into my hollowness.

The oil was multiplied in the pouring for this widow. In obedience, she acted on the command of the Lord. 

God wanted her to know personally He was the I Am of her life, and He was the supplier of her needs. 

But she had to ask for empty jars -- and shut her door to those snooping onlookers and demanding creditors -- to be alone with the One who would fill her vessels. 

Gather your containers behind closed doors. Your faith sets the limits of your miracles. Pray for all the empty places that need a refilling, and let God pour the oil of His answer into your emptiness. 

He will saturate every dry crevice."

Empty Jars - Barb Suiter

Barbara Suiter is a wife, mother, and grandmother of thirteen. 
  She is married to Tom Suiter, Associate Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Lebanon, Tennessee. 

  The couple has recently returned from serving ten years in Western Europe as missionaries. She is a freelance writer and women’s Bible study leader and teacher.


(Used by permission and Barb Suiter)

Store Jean's link for future referencing.  Jean's blog 

Five Summer Sanity Savers for Moms!

By Jill Savage on Jun 03, 2014 05:34 am
477080373"The days of summer are upon us.  For those with school-age children it means change.
Within a matter of days many moms will have their children home for the summer.  I always looked forward to that time with both excitement and uncertainty.  As an at-home mom, I would ask myself, “Just how will we fill our hours and our days?”
Jill has some good suggestions. I hope you'll check out her blog, to read them...

Let’s pray:

   Father, may we gather our containers behind closed doors, and may our faith not set the limits for our miracles! 

   I pray for all the empty places that need a refilling, and I ask for You to pour Your oil into my emptiness. 

   Thank You, for I know You will saturate my every dry crevice.

   I pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen. 

Today’s Bible verse:   (Ps. 37:5) "Commit they way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass."

Today’s quote: 

Justus Martin – “I have found that life is not about Yesterday or tomorrow. Life is today! Life is not made up of what I had or wish I had, but is made up of what I have today and what I am doing with it today. Success is not measured by strength but grows amidst brokenness. Pain is not understood, it is felt. Tears don’t sting, they heal. People are not faces; they are souls. Knowing and having children is one of the greatest honors given to man by God.”

Some thoughts today: 

- All areas of our lives need to reflect the Kingdom of God. Unless God helps us in every part, it becomes a useless effort.

- Our Kingdom endeavors have challenges. Building families is Kingdom building.

- Know and keep the vision you have for the reason you do what you do for God, and its importance.

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