Tuesday, July 15, 2014

#101 Leaders Do Receive Intercession

C. Peter Wagner shares with us about leaders who receive intercession:

"I do not want to give the impression that because personal intercession for
leaders is underutilized, it is not utilized at all.

I wrote a letter to 35 celebrity leaders whose names are house-hold words in the American evangelical community and was pleasantly surprised to find that 28 of them could name people who pray for them on a regular basis.

At least 19 of these would be I-1 intercessors by the definition I am using, figuring out to 54 percent.

Frankly, I believe the 54 percent is a bit high because of the select list I wrote to. If my hypotheses are correct, one of the reasons God has been able to give them positions of visibility and influence is because they were utilizing personal prayer partners.

A couple of interesting facts emerged from the survey.
One was that the age of the intercessors seemed
disproportionately high.

A large number are in their 60s or above. Perhaps a combination of Christian maturity and retirement from vocational careers increases the eligibility and availability of many for serious intercession.

The other fact was that one half of those who could name their intercessors named other family members: spouses, parents, grandparents and grown children.

Reinhard Bonnke, one of today's foremost crusade evangelists, has a ministry akin to that of the apostle Paul. Like Paul, he depends heavily on intercession.

My friend Suzette Hattingh serves not only as Bonnke's I-1 intercessor, but she also mobilizes massive prayer for each crusade.

Before Bonnke preaches, Suzette will have gathered thousands in a given city, instructing and releasing them for true intercession.

Bonnke says,

'It is not a case of singing choruses and praying for a
blessing, but of pulling down the strongholds of Satan.
Intercessors are a mighty battering ram.' "

#101 Leaders Do Receive
in the series taken 
from C. Peter Wagner’s book, 
intercede for pastors, Christian
 leaders and others on the spiritual  
frontlines. (pgs. 181-183) By Regal Books

Gwen Smith sings:  Lost In Praise 

Let’s pray: 

    Father, we do pray for our leaders, but we want to become more effective
in doing so.
    Help us be wise in our willingness to cover them with prayer. Urge us to pray when we learn of a need they have, as they minister to us, or somewhere else.
    Help our leaders to be transparent when they have a special prayer request for Your enablement, so we can feel a part of Your provision for them.  
    May Jesus be glorified in and through each of them. Amen.

Prayer for your pastor: "Pray for your pastor's children, and especially that the pressures of the ministry will not discourage or embitter them. Pray that your pastor will provide godly leadership in the home, not based on fear of what others will think, but according to Scriptural truth. Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:20-21 (If your pastor does not have children, pray that God will give him many 'spiritual children' as he shares the Gospel.)

Today’s awesome Bible promise: Prov. 14:16-17 NCV
"Wise people are careful and stay out of trouble, but fools 

are careless and quick to act. Someone with a quick temper 
does foolish things, but someone with understanding 
remains calm."

Today’s quote: Fitzhugh
“Lord, help me to love with both words and deeds,
   To reach out to others and meet their needs; 
  Lord, burden my heart for those lost in sin, 
   With mercy and love that flows from within.”

Some thoughts today: A word of wisdom can produce open doors and spiritual progress.

- Timing of a word of wisdom can be essential, as there's a moment when it needs to be spoken. Wait for God's direction.

- A word of wisdom can open a person's heart to God.

17th- Thursday’s post:  #102 The Responsibility of the 
C. Peter Wagner

19th- Saturday's post:  Are You Listening? Tammie Johnson

20th- Sunday's post:  Our God Reigns 

Word Ministries

20th evening's post: Are You Protected? 

Jean Oathout

A popular post:  God Works Through the Prayers of 
His People  Dutch Sheets - “So complete and final was
Adam’s authority over the earth that he, not just God, 
had the ability to give it away to another! Listen to 
the words of Satan in Luke 4:6, 7 as he tempted Jesus: 
‘I will give You all this domain and its glory' ..."

God listens to our prayers!
Yes, He does!

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse  
Kindle $3.29 a review would be

Bridal Shower Devotional: Bridal
Wisdom for Women

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