Sunday, August 24, 2014

Broken but Beautiful

Cindy Hess Kasper shares with us about sea glass- "Recently, my daughter showed me her collection of sea glass.

Also known as beach glass, the varied bits 
of colored glass 
are sometimes pieces of pottery but often they are pieces of shattered glass bottles.

Originally the glass had a purpose, but then it was casually thrown away and became broken.

If the discarded glass ends up in an ocean, its journey is just beginning. As it is relentlessly tossed about by currents and tides, its jagged edges are ground down by the sand and waves and eventually are smoothed away and rounded off.

The result is something beautiful. The jewel-like sea glass has found new life and is treasured by collectors and artists.

In a similar way, a broken life can be renewed when it is touched by God's love and grace.

In the Old Testament, we read 
that when the prophet Jeremiah 
watched potter working, he 
noticed that if an object was 
marred the potter simply 
reshaped it. Jer. 18:1-6.

God explained that in His hands the people of ancient Israel were like clay, which He would shape as He saw best.

We are never too badly broken for God to reshape. He loves us in spite of our imperfections and past mistakes, and He desires to make us beautiful. 
Cindy Hess Kasper

Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
Thou art the Potter, I am the clay;
Mold me and make me after Thy will,
While I am waiting, yielded and still.Pollard

When melted by trial
we can be fully molded by the  Potter."

Our Daily Bread

Let’s pray:

    Father, help us to believe a broken
life can be renewed when it is touched by God's love and grace.
   When we see someone wh
o's life has been shattered, may we have Your compassion on them, and find a way to minister to them with Your love.
   May we remember, that we/they are never too badly broken for You to reshape.
   Use me, Father, to reach out to others in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse:
(Jer. 18:4) [The vessel] was marred . . . ; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make."

Today’s quote:
Bill Crowder – “It is only from God that we can receive the grace of forgiveness when our choices have produced painful regrets. And only in Him do we find the wisdom to make better choices.”

Some thoughts today: 

As we are the temples of the Spirit of God, let's present our bodies a living sacrifice, as Rom. 12:1 tells us to.

- Join yourself to something bigger than yourself by attending a Bible-believing church nearby. God is busy saving and regenerating His people! Be a real part of it, my friend. He's waiting to meet you there.

24th- Sunday evening’s post: Too Young or Too Old?
Michael Brooks
26th- Tuesday's post: God's Intended Purposes
April Estes
28th- Thursday's post: Visibility Zero
Andrea Merrell
30th- Saturday's post: What's in it For You?
Jean Oathout

A popular post:

  I'm Destined for Glory Because 
of that Tree 

Hope Finchbaugh shares her thoughts with us: “Creator of Heaven and Earth, and the hero of our hearts, Jesus Christ.
Oh, how He loves us! 
Come quickly, Lord Jesus! The Spirit and the Bride say, Come.’ (save to check in at another time)
Samples of Jean's crafts
Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. Brings a new meaning to sea glass.
    Thanks for sharing.
