Saturday, November 8, 2014

9 Reasons to Care for Myself

Diana Leagh Matthews
Several of these are:

1. Depression stays down when I care for myself

2. I have to take care of myself before I can care for others

3. By nourishing my body, mind and spirit I have a better understanding of what priorities are the most important

4. I am better able to do my job and fulfill other obligations when I care for myself

5. I renew and restore my energy when I care for myself

6. I validate my own worth, which increases my confidence and self-esteem

7. I am preparing myself for a healthier future

8. By caring for myself I am improving my memory, concentration, creativity and decision making skills

9. I have more time because I am not wasting time in as many mind numbing activities.

self care

reasons to care
for myself, 
by Diana Leagh Matthews

A New Pace

For years I walked quickly
by myself
and got nowhere.

Now I walk slowly
with Jesus
and get everywhe

©Frances Gregory Pasch

Today’s Bible verse: Is. 27:5 "Or let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me; and he shall make peace with me."

Today’s quote: Jill Savage – “When you and I have a sense 
of purpose, we become more intentional in everything we do.  
And that’s the power of purpose!” Check out Jill's message: 
The Power of Purpose

Some thoughts today: If our lives are not disciplined, there will not be worthwhile purposes and accomplishments.

- Everyday, get alone with God, repent for known sin, and ask Him to have His way in your life. Read a chapter or two in Psalms, as there will be writers there who've gone through much of what you're experiencing.

"There, surrounded only by God's handiwork, 
His voice found no competition.

Staying in Step with the Spirit: Whether it's a few hours or a day, when we intentionally shift life into a slower gear via new surroundings we are breathing life into both our senses and our souls, enabling us to hear the Spirit's whispers more clearly. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for those times when we can exhale busyness, noise, soul clutter and all other things clamoring for our attention. Help us to catch every quiet moment, hour, or day for Your glory."  Posted: 20 Oct 2014 04:00 AM PDT  by Cathy Baker

9th- Sunday evening’s post: Realizing and Memorizing
James Cagle  (Find out the difference- Excellent word!)

11th- Tuesday's post:  #15 Plan Resistencia
C. Peter Wagner

13th- Thursday's post:  #16 Calling the Generals
C. Peter Wagner

15th- Saturday's post:  The Lesson of the Hoola Hoop
Julie Ackerman Link

A popular post:  What's the Difference Between Excellence and Perfection?  Jill Savage gives some answers...

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Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse 
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