Saturday, January 3, 2015

Rooted in Love

Joe Stowell shares with us: 
"When I think of all the wonders 
of God's magnificent creation, I 
am especially awed by the giant 
sequoia tree.

These amazing behemoths of the forest can grow to around 300 feet tall with a diameter that exceeds 20 feet. They can live over 3,000 years and are even fire resistant. 

In fact, forest fires pop the sequoia cones open, distributing their seeds on the forest floor that has been fertilized by the ashes.

Perhaps the most amazing fact is that these trees can grow in just 3 feet of soil and withstand high winds.
Roots of a giant sequoia!

Their strength lies in the fact that their roots intertwine with other sequoias, providing mutual strength and shared resources.

God's plan for us is like that. Our ability to stand tall in spite of the buffeting winds of life is directly related to the love and support we receive from God and one another.

And then, as the writer of Hebrews says, we are to "do good and to share" (13:16).

Think of how tough it would be to withstand adversity if someone were not sharing the roots of their strength with us.

There is great power in the entwining gifts of words of encouragement, prayers of intercession, weeping together, holding each other, and sometimes just sitting with one another sharing the presence of our love."

(Google images and emphasis added)

Pray with me:

"Lord, thank You for entwining Your strength 
into my life. Lead me today to someone
who needs the love of shared strength from resources 
that You have given to me."

Our Daily Bread 11/18/14

I Am Your Child

I am your child and You are my God
You are the One and only, who created all that is
You fill my soul with Your presence
You fill my heart with Your love
You bring peace to my being
You lead me and I willingly follow
The path is long and at times I stumble
You are there to gently pick me up brush me off,
brush me off, kiss my hurts and lovingly help me along
Sometimes, You let me walk alone so I can absorb what You have taught
Sometimes,You take both my hands to help me over the rough spots
You are never far away
You claimed me to be Your child from the time before I was born
It was a long time before I realized that I am Yours
I am blessed that You always knew me and waited for me to find You
I am delighted to walk this path that is my life with You by my side
I look forward to eternity in Your loving presence.

              By Debbie McEwen

Today’s Bible verse: Rom. 1:12 "That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me."

Today’s quotes: Our Daily Bread - "Let the roots of God's love 
in your life be entwined with others who need your support." 

Dave Branon - "Imagine the difference it could make if we all set out to encourage each other—if we always knew that behind us we had a group of friends cheering us on."

David McCasland - "In Jesus we can find lasting peace with God and harmony with each other. This is the life-changing message of Christmas!"

Some thoughts today: Our biggest need is an encounter with God! He is approachable, as He was in the flesh and knows us completely, and is now with us! 

- When the Holy Ghost fills us, needs disappear! They weren't the big problem... There's a profound difference in someone filled, and someone on "empty". 

- Perspectives change everything when we're filled with God's Spirit. The problem is _________, the answer is Christ! The problem is there, but with God inside, everything changes! (read the Bible book, The Acts)

4th- Sunday evening's post:  What About You?
Jean Oathout
6th- Tuesday's post:  #31 How Far Should We Go?
C. Peter Wagner
8th- Thursday's post:  #32 Conquering a City
C. Peter Wagner
10th- Saturday's post:  A Life-Saving Drop In
Sue Carloni

A popular post: 

Sweet Desperation Susan L. Condrey shares:

"Of all the gifts 
I know our loving Father brings 
The answered prayers, 
Protection from all things unseen, 
The peace within your heart, 
The small, simplistic things..."

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