Sunday, February 1, 2015

An Adventure in Prayer

Lucy Neeley Adams shares with us: "The progression of my son's tummy ache sent us to our doctor, and quickly thereafter, to the hospital. 

This was a new experience for me. I had to face a big problem without my husband's wisdom. 

He was out of town, and I always leaned on him for guidance. He seemed like the rock in our family.

Scotty was prepared for surgery, 
 and I watched teary-eyed as he 
was rolled down the hallway. 

Though the waiting room was comforting, it was the magazine rack that looked most interesting.

A booklet caught my attention, Adventures in Prayer. That's what I needed, but in reality it was a lovely lady on the cover who looked interesting. 

I learned she was Catherine Marshall, the author of many books about prayer and growing in the fullness of the Christian life. 

The very first story helped me to see that I needed more in my life. Mrs. Marshall wrote about her conversations with a living Lord. I had heard that name when I joined the church as a child, attended a Christian college, and now as a minister's wife.

As I read about her experiences, I realized I had never spoken to Jesus the way Mrs. Marshall suggested. To think I could talk to Him about anything was an exciting revelation. 

I felt as if I were in a spiritual daze. I had no relationship with a living God. Jesus Christ was my Savior, but not the Lord of my life. My prayers were read from books, and the Bible was only a textbook. 

The man named Jesus was a glorious, but historical, truth of the years He walked the earth.

From deep within my searching heart I quietly told God about my burden. 

    “I do not know you. Please help me. Amen."

I now believe those simple words were the most eloquent I had ever prayed. Jesus took time to teach the people to pray. But in doing so, He understood it would take time for them to understand and learn. 

It would take time for them to grow in a relationship with Him. Just like for me, time and practice taught me much.

Scotty’s surgery was a success and the doctor’s report assured us he’d have a full recovery and freedom from pain. 

God's report, for me, was that I was on my way to freedom from just a form of religion. My new and exciting relationship began to grow as I said, 'Lord, teach me to pray.'

Start your relationship with Him right now. Pray. He is ready to listen."  

An Adventure in Prayer   

Nov 15, 2014 12:00 am  Lucy Adams

"Lord teach us to pray..." Luke 11:1

 (Google image and emphasis added)

(For more devotions, visit

(Photo courtesy of

Lucy Neeley Adams is author of the book, 52 Hymn Story Devotions. Lucy began telling stories of hymns on a radio program, “The Story Behind the Song,” in Nashville, Tennessee, several years ago. 

She and her husband Woody live at Lake Junaluska in North Carolina. Lucy is a guest columnist for The Mountaineer. Visit or email
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NoMorePerfectMarriage blackDay 7: The Marriage Fade that Begins With Not Accepting

By JillSavage on Jan 27, 2015 05:30 am

(If you haven't read her first 6 posts, be sure to check them out, as it may help your own marriage to survive and thrive!)

Jill Savage recommends the following:
     The God-Empowered Wife     

Pray with me: 

    Father, help me to simply ask for Your
guidance in my needs.

    Lucy's message today is one that I do
appreciate, as I also want to know You

    Enable me to sense Your presence right here, where I am. Cause my simple, child-like prayer be what turns Your heart.

    Thank You that You're ready to listen to me, and be my Helper. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Zeph. 3:8a "Therefore, wait ye upon me, saith the LORD."

Today’s quote: Dr. Charles F. Stanley - "If you believe in an all-powerful God, is that idea simply 'head knowledge,' or does it affect the way you think and feel? When you realize that nothing happens apart from His awareness, direction, and loving purpose, it becomes possible to lay down fear and truly experience His peace."

Some thoughts today:   
Just Chat With Him

You need not pray down on your knees,
It can be underneath the trees,
Or in the house, or in a bank,
On a grocery line, or filling your tank.

No formal words does God require
Just chat with Him—that’s His desire.
It can be in the day or night.
Any time will be all right.

What matters most is don’t forget
And get so busy that you let
Things block Him out of all you do,
For He would not do that to you.

He wants to be your closest friend.
On Him alone you can depend.

By Fran Pasch  devotions and poetry

3rd- Tuesday’s post:  #37 Biblical Examples - Daniel
C. Peter Wagner

5th- Thursday's post:  #38 Biblical Examples - Jeremiah & Luke   C. Peter Wagner

7th- Saturday's post:  How Wondrous Are You God!
Debbie McEwen

8th- Sunday evening's post:  Water Baptism
Jean Oathout

A popular post: What's in it for You? Jean Oathout asks this question to help us with our relationship with God. "Do we know that He is holy and perfect? Has there been a time we've realized our need to seek God, and to find out what would please Him?..."

Jean's blog (save to check in at another time)

Kindle $2.99
 A great gift for someone who 
needs help in their marriage

Bridal Shower Devotional
Bridal Wisdom for Women

My book in paperback $7.95
Where authors and readers come together!

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