Saturday, February 14, 2015



We seem to think they’re innumerable,
Those tomorrows we look for each day,
That we waste what we call today,
Till they become our yesterdays.

We meet them first at morning light, 
But it’s then they've become today, 
So we make plans for another tomorrow
While this one fades into yesterday. 

With great hope we plan for tomorrow,
But those plans are never carried out,
For today comes and they’re put off,
Leaving us plans that are never lived out.

And so it seems we spend our short lives
Waiting for another to come.
But when it comes it will be today
And tomorrow may never come.

So men spend their days it seems
Planning for tomorrow while neglecting today
For we assume we’ll have tomorrowtomorrow
When we weren’t even promised today.

But God is so merciful and patient
At the way we waste each precious day
But one day there’ll be no tomorrowto morrow
And we’ll answer for how we spent each day.

 James H. Cagle


Pray with me: 

     Father, forgive us for wasting our todays!

    Make us aware of the value of each day as

it arrives, so we'll do our best in that day for
You, and for others.

    I want to be the servant of Christ that will not be ashamed when my time comes to meet Him face to face.

    Cause my attention to be quickened to the reality that Jesus is concerned about my todays, and that He'll take care of my tomorrows, when they arrive.

    May I become acutely aware of the possibilities found in each day that I'm given. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse:  James 4:8 "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you."

Today’s quotes:

"Like sheep that sometimes wander from the flock
In tangled paths of life to lose their way,
I need my Shepherd's hand and watchful eye
To keep me always, lest I go astray.Sanders

The Lamb who died to save us
the Shepherd 
who lives to guide us."

Our Daily Bread 12/30/14

Elizabeth Winters - "People, why, don't you see what the enemy is doing? Open up your eyes before it is too late. It's not your flesh that is in danger, but your soul. Stop saying you'll wait for tomorrow. No one is promised tomorrow. It's right now that you must choose. After you die, you can't choose. If the Holy Spirit is not in you, if you are not marked by God, you are not God's children. Wake-up. Stop sleeping. That's what the enemy wants."
(pgs. 168, 169 of Through the Eyes of the Spirit  by Winters)

Some thoughts today: Acts 1:1-4 Prayer meeting when the church was born! 

- The power of God fell on the believers. They were immediately 
changed from frightened, cowardly believers, to men and women who began to preach the gospel. Jesus' mother, Mary, was among them. 

- Peace overflowed when the Holy Ghost came to fill each believer. It's true for us today, too!

A popular post: Does the Holy Spirit Have You? Pocket Devotions' thought for Today: "In a previous devotion, Paul baptized the men in Ephesus "into the name of the Lord Jesus" (Acts 19:5); and we now see, "the Holy Spirit came on them."

15th- Sunday evening’s post:  When Others Won't Forgive
Randy Kilgore

17th- Thursday's post:  #41 The Underlying Issue
C. Peter Wagner

19th- Thursday's post; #42 Demons and Idols
C. Peter Wagner

21st- Saturday's post:  Habits of a Healthy Mind
David McCasland   (save to check in another time) 

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