Tuesday, March 17, 2015

#49 Spirits and Territories

C. Peter Wagner: The notion that spirits 
are assigned to geographical areas, cultural 
groups, nations, cities or, as the Bishop of 
Exeter's report says, "countrysides," has not up to now received much notice or attracted
much scholarly attention.

I recently took the pains to examine every book in the Fuller Seminary library listed in the card catalog under "angelology" and demonology" to see how many of these authors dealt with territoriality.

Of the 100 books I perused, only 5 of them made any reference at all to territories, and of the 5 only 3 discussed the issues a bit, but clearly in a secondary way.

As I continued to research, I did find bits and pieces from various authors in out-of-print books, periodicals, research papers, sections in other books, and other sources, most of which are not in the seminary library.

I put 19 of these together in a book, Engaging the Enemy (Regal Books),  which many are finding helpful. Interest in the matter of territoriality seems to be escalating rapidly, at least in the circles I am in touch with.

More and more people these days are interested in finding out what all of this means, particularly as it might apply to both world evangelization and improvement of human society.

I believe it will be helpful to look a bit more closely at territoriality then, tin the Old Testament and the New Testament, and now from the pint of view of contemporary anthropologists and missiologists.

(I could not locate the link to purchasing the above book, but there are several other books by Wagner that are available on that link).

#49 Spirits and Territories
By C. Peter Wagner
(pgs. 88, 89) Regal Books

(Google image added)

Mark I. Bubeck shares with us from his book  The Satanic Revival  (pg. 244) "Our need for revival always looks back to a prior state of spiritual excellence to establish a measuring standard and a basis for hope."

Today's praise verse: 1 Chronicles 16:9 "Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts."

Pray with me: 

     Father, when I think of spirits and their

territories that they control to some extent, I 
understand now that it is serious business.

    I want to become aware of what I'm dealing
with in the area I live in.

    Please give guidance to my own church, as to what needs to be done, to be successful in our warfare.

   I ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Is. 50:4 "The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned."

Today's prayer for our pastors: "Pray that God will protect your pastor's wife from bitterness when her husband is criticized. Pray that her prayer and devotional life will be consistent, and that she will guard her mind and heart. (Heb. 12:15; Prov. 4:23).

Today’s quote: John Bevere - "Proverbs 6:16-19 says that sowing discord or separation among brethren is an abomination to the Lord. When we repeat something with the intention of separating or damaging relationships or reputations—even though it is true—it is still an affront to God." (pg 43 in John's book, The Bait of Satan)

Some thoughts today: If you should die today, will you go to heaven? If God were to ask you, "Why should I let you into heaven?, what would your answer be? 

- People everywhere are under a great burden of guilt. Does 
guilt and shame sit upon you? Do you know what God's plan for 
eradicating sin is? Check out what His Book, the Bible, has to say. St. John 3:16 is a good one to start with.

- When we've repented of our sins, and walk in the will of God for our lives, there is amazing freedom! "There's now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1,2) Being "in Christ Jesus" is what is required of us in a daily walk of obedience. 

19th- Thursday’s post:  #50 The Pentateuch
C. Peter Wagner

21st- Saturday's post:  Thought Prevention
Max Lucado

22nd- Sunday evening's post:  The Gift of Forgiveness
Dr. Charles F. Stanley

24th- Tuesday's post:  #51 Historical Books
C. Peter Wagner

A popular post:   #44 It Happened to Me! Dutch Sheets tells us, "I actually happened to me once, although I didn't make the kind of noise I'd heard others make.

(Those I had heard sounded a lot like my wife when she was in labor.)

I was probably 9 or 10 years old and it occurred while praying for an unsaved aunt..."

jean-oathout.blogspot.com   (save to check in sometime)

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