Take heart, my friend, we'll go together
This uncertain road that lies ahead
Our faithful God has always gone before us
And He will lead the Way once again.
Take heart, my friend, we can walk together
And if our burdens become too great
We can hold up and help one another
In God's LOVE, in God's Grace.
Take heart my friend, the Lord is with us
As He has been all the days of our lives
Our assurance every morning
Our Defender in the Night.
If we should falter when trouble surrounds us
When the wind and the waves are wild and high
We will look away to HIM who rules the waters;
Who speaks His Peace into the angry tide.
He is our Comfort, our Sustainer
He is our Help in time of need
When we wander, He is our Shepherd
He who watches over us NEVER sleeps.
Take heart my friend, the Lord is with us
As He has been all the days of our lives
Our Assurance every morning
Our Defender every night.
Author unknown
Father, may we understand the importance of having supportive friends who will hold us accountable, and who are ever ready to pray for us.
I want to always be ready to give an encouraging word to my friends, so please meet me each morning as I read Your Word and spend time with You in prayer for them.
I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Today’s Bible verse: (2 Chron. 32: 8 a KJV) "With him is an arm of flesh; but with us, is the LORD our God to help us."
Today’s quote:
Linda W. Rooks from her book: Broken Heart on Hold (pg 55) "God understood our weakness —that we could never be good enough, could never follow his laws. So in his mercy and love, he created a bridge between his own perfection and our failures so we would not have to miss the glorious eternity he has prepared for us. God allowed his Son, Jesus, to experience the death we deserve, and then to shed his death like a discarded garment and rise again into life so that we—despite our sin—could have a relationship with God.
If you are ready to begin the journey and accept Jesus into your life, you will unleash one of the mysteries of God. When you give him your weakness, He makes His strength available to you."
Linda W. Rooks from her book: Broken Heart on Hold (pg 55) "God understood our weakness
If you are ready to begin the journey and accept Jesus into your life, you will unleash one of the mysteries of God. When you give him your weakness, He makes His strength available to you."
Some thoughts today:
- What seems to be Satan's plan to destroy us through remembrance of our sins, we're to apply God's grace to.
- Rom. 6:11 tells us that we're dead to sin, so we don't have to obey its demands, once we're born anew in Christ.
- The battle is within us. We decide. We're more than conquerors in Christ Jesus! We win! Amen!
12th- Sunday’s post: Slow Dance
A young cancer patient
14th- Tuesday's post: #57 Releasing Evangelistic Power
C. Peter Wagner
16th- Thursday's post: #58 Territoriality Now: Anthropology
C. Peter Wagner
18th- Saturday's post: What If?
- What seems to be Satan's plan to destroy us through remembrance of our sins, we're to apply God's grace to.
- Rom. 6:11 tells us that we're dead to sin, so we don't have to obey its demands, once we're born anew in Christ.
- The battle is within us. We decide. We're more than conquerors in Christ Jesus! We win! Amen!
12th- Sunday’s post: Slow Dance
A young cancer patient
14th- Tuesday's post: #57 Releasing Evangelistic Power
C. Peter Wagner
16th- Thursday's post: #58 Territoriality Now: Anthropology
C. Peter Wagner
18th- Saturday's post: What If?
Jean Oathout
I didn’t take kindly to being snarled at..."
great post.