Saturday, April 18, 2015

What If?

Jean Oathout asks us to think seriously 
about some questions:

What if we actually do what the Lord asks 
of us?

Will there be some advantages? Are there some benefits? 

Are we willing to examine His Words, the Bible, to find out just what it is God asks of us? Should we be in fellowship with a Bible-believing church? 

And are we willing to learn from others what they've already learned in their walk with God? This is the reason God wanted believers to gather together from the beginning of the church, (see Acts 2), so they could find the support and encouragement they'd need from time to time.

I challenge you to open the Bible you have on hand, and begin randomly to look for Scriptures that seem to speak to your heart.

Psalms is always a good place to start, (it's right in the center of the Bible), and then go to St. John in the New Testament. 

Do you want to see what the early believers were taught, and then what they began to do? Check out Acts, (right after St. John).

There are churches that offer teaching and preaching for the express purpose of discipling believers in Christ. Ask the Lord to help you find one that will help you the most. 

You may have to visit more than one until you discover where you find the most peace, best teaching, as well as to sense God's love among the folks there.

It might be helpful to begin taking notes of what is spoken to you through the Bible 
directly in your private times, and when 
you attend a church service. 

Taking notes will help you remember what was said, so you can refresh your memory later; especially if someone asks you what the message was about!

What happens if we say "No" to the 

What happens when folks aren’t willing to obey God’s instructions? First of all, they’ll miss out on all His blessings, and secondly, they’ll have to deal with troubles all alone.

If people refuse the Atonement God offers through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, they'll have to face His judgment upon their death. 

With God’s help, we are able to get through each trial, and find his grace sufficient for all our needs, and have the promise of eternal life through Jesus.

(Google images added)

We Are So Different!

By JillSavage on Apr 13, 2015 05:15 am

Jill Savage

The Go-To Mom
"Can you embrace your spouse’s differences and not think of them as wrong? Do you need to apologize for being judgmental or critical?..."

{Be sure to check out Jill & Mark's message today, and find out what their differences are, and how it's been a challenge to their marriage.}

    Father, we come to You with a desire to 
have Your holiness become ours. We understand 
that You'll create in us Your image, as we 
surrender to You and to Your ways, as Christ did.
    My heart is touched by Your love, and I want to please 
You with my life. May I be willing to find that Your 
grace is sufficient for all my needs.
    I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Ps. 90:12 "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom."

Sweet Jesus on the Line

Heaven is calling
Jesus is on the line
He calls to speak with us
He does it all the time

The line is always open
He never goes away
He's anxious to hear from us
He listens every day

His heart gets heavy waiting
Sometimes it takes so long
For us to call out to Him
He often hums a song

If we listen very carefully
We'll hear His sweet, sweet voice
He's singing and calling us
He's giving us a choice

We can choose to answer back
Or ignore Him till we die
He wants us to join Him
In the great place in the shy

I hear You calling, Jesus
I'm answering You right now
My friend I hope you'll join me
Come, I'll show you how

Just call out to Him, He's listening
You can give Him all your woes
You can unload on Him your troubles
His help He always shows

So answer Him in good times
Call out to Him when sad
He's always there to love you
To help and make you glad

But don't make Him wait forever
You don't have all that time
You need to choose to answer
Sweet Jesus on the line.

Debbie McEwen

Some thoughts today: How do we walk in more freedom in God? The answer: Surrender to Him and obey His Word.

- Overcome your "I can't do it" mentality, as it's killing what God wants to do with you. You are in the hands of Christ, your Savior, so you can trust Him to help you obey the Father's Word, the Bible.

- Stop entertaining a negative outlook on life. You can have the faith for success. Just ask for it!

19th- Sunday evening’s post:  The Names of God
Joe Stowell
21st- Tuesday's post:  #59 Territoriality in Southern Mexico
C. Peter Wagner
23rd- Thursday's post:  #60 Spiritual Boot Camp
C. Peter Wagner
25th- Saturday's post:  Seasons of the Heart
James H. Cagle

A popular post:  The Risk of Obeying God Dr. Charles Stanley shares with us from his In Touch magazine of Nov. '13:

"As Christians, we can waste our lives standing 

on faith's shoreline, never venturing beyond ankle-deep water. There we have little need for the Lord."

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse  

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