Thursday, July 2, 2015

#76 Remitting the Sins

C. Peter Wagner: Suppose demonic strongholds actually exist in 
a nation or a city, affecting society in general and resistance to the gospel in particular. What can be done about it?

Just as in the case of demonized individuals, if sin is present, repentance is called for, if curses are in effect they need to be broken, and if emotional scars are causing pain, inner healing is needed.

We know from the Old Testament that nations can be guilty of corporate sins. This was not only true of Gentile nations, but of Israel as well.

Both Nehemiah and Daniel give us examples of goodly persons who felt the burden for the sins of their nations.

Hearing that Jerusalem's wall was broken down and its gates consumed with fire, Nehemiah wept, fasted and prayed. He confessed the sins of the children of Israel in general, seeking to remit the sins of the entire nation. He said,..

    "Both my father's house and I have sinned" (Neh. 1:6).

Here is an example of one person, under an anointing of God, meaningfully confessing the sins of an entire nation. This a component of strategic-level spiritual warfare.

His prayers obviously had some effect, and God opened doors that only His power could open for the walls and the city to be rebuilt.

Daniel, through reading Scripture, came to realize that Israel's 70 years of captivity were coming to an end. So he went before the Lord in "prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes" (Dan. 9:3)

He confessed the sins of his people in detail saying,..

    "Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has 
     departed so as not to obey Your voice" (Dan. 9:11).

Later he said he had confessed "my sin and the sin of my people" (Dan. 9:20).

It is important to note that both Nehemiah and Daniel, while they were standing before God on behalf of their entire nation, confessed not only the corporate sins of their people, but also their individual sins.

Those who remit the sins of nations must not fail to identify personally with the sins that were or are being committed even though they might not personally be as guilty of them as some other sins.

#76  Remitting the Sins
By C. Peter Wagner
(pg. 129, 130) Regal Books

Thank You for giving us examples in Your
Word, the Bible, of men who successfully
prayed for their people.
May we do the same for our areas, asking
first for forgiveness for our own sins, and
then for the known sins of the town we live in.
Help us pray for the curses to be broken,
so there can be more freedom for You to
draw us to Your heart.
I ask this in the precious Name of Jesus.

Today’s Bible verse: Acts 17:27 "That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us."

Today’s quote: Dr. Charles F. Stanley - "Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb who shed His blood in our place—a Redeemer who rescued us from spiritual death and made us acceptable before God. What took place? It was a miracle of life, a rebirth for all who would believe, because we were once spiritually dead." (Taken from His Nov. In Touch magazine, p. 42).

Some thoughts today: It's unfair to compare ourselves with others. We're not to covet someone else's talent. We're to join the team and play our part.  (Matt. 25:14-30)

- The Source is Jesus. Go to Him for help in accomplishing what you believe you're to do for the Kingdom. Aim to please Him

- It delights the heart of God for us to desire to know Him better. 
He is sending higher levels of revelation to these people who seek more of Him. So ask God to give you fresh insight and understanding of His will and ways.

4th- Saturday’s post:  Break Through
Lisa Buffaloe
5th- Sunday evening's post:  Calming the Storm
Marvin Williams
7th- Tuesday's post:  #77 Argentina and Australia
C. Peter Wagner
9th- Thursday's post:  #78  The Challenge of Japan
C. Peter Wagner

A popular post: Pride (How to deal with it) James F. Cagle shares these thoughts 
with us on pride:

"Oh, how loving and kind the Spirit;
How compassionate as well the hand,
That points out the wicked sin of pride
That resides in the heart of ev’ry man..."   (save to check in sometime)

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