Saturday, November 28, 2015

Loved, loved loved!!

Lisa Buffaloe - "I love God, absolutely and positively adore Him. I don’t deserve God’s mercy and grace. I’m a sinner. I’ve stumbled, fallen, and rolled in the mud of sin. 

How could He love me when He knows everything – every thought and action, every failure, everything that I’ve experienced, and everything that will come next?

God has helped me through so many hard times. Even when I couldn’t feel His presence and was sure He had left me alone against evil, He pulled me through and held me close. 

What the enemy tried to destroy, God has redeemed and restored.

God blesses with life, and even better than that He blesses Christians with a guaranteed happy ending. Where else can you find a love that is unfailing, pure, and eternal?

And you know what else is amazing? God loves you too! Yep. No matter what you’ve done or what you’ve been through. God loves you.

You are loved, loved, loved!

Jesus loved you enough to die for you. 
His love triumphed over the grave and 
He rose again to offer you His grace. 

Enjoy the fact that God loves you—forever, and 

ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever…!

“I have loved you with an unfailing love.

Posted: 26 Oct 2015  

Lisa Buffaloe's Blog 

Father, I know that You love me; that is a given
fact, even when I'm not aware that You do.
My desire is to express my love for You.
In your Word, the Bible, I read Psalms that
give you praise. Thank You for sharing
them with us in the 20th century!
As I read them, I'll put the names of people
I love, to make the prayer personal and effective.
Cause me to lean heavily on You, and to
remember always, that You love me.
I ask this in the dear Name of Jesus.

Today’s Bible verse: Ps. 115:13 -15 KJV "He (God) 

will bless them that fear the LORD, both 

small and great. The LORD shall 
increase you more and more, you and 
your children. Ye are blessed of the LORD 
which made heaven and earth." 

Pray for your pastor:
"Pray that your pastor will be

courageous in proclaiming Christ from the pulpit and 
confident in his use of the Word of God. Ask God to help 
him preach with insight, transparency and humility." 
Co. 1:28; 4:3 a; Eph. 6:19)

Today’s quotes: Dave Branon - "Our actions in 
obeying God show Him more love, honor, and 
praise than any empty words we might 
say to try to appear good." (ODB 9/13/15)

Cindy Sproles - "When you feel the weight of the 
world bearing down this holiday season, rejoice 
in the Lord. Shout aloud to the Rock of your salvation. 
Go before Him with thanksgiving and praise. Great is 
His faithfulness. Strong is our praise. Let your 
thanksgiving be filled with praise."

Some thoughts today: Eternity beats in the heart. We're 
all aware that life goes on beyond death. The question is: 
Where will you go? What will you be doing?

~ We know we're created for something greater. Jesus 
invites us to an unbroken Life with Him. He can remove 
death's sting, by our receiving His Atonement at Calvary 
some 2,000 years ago! (see 1 Thess. 4:16 - 18)

~ Our Eternal God has made Himself visible through things 
He made. (see Rom. 1:20) so we are without excuse.

29th- Sunday’s post:  Why Pray the Lord's Prayer?
Author unknown
12/1st- Tuesday's post:  #117 The Pitfall of Poor Timing
C. Peter Wagner
3rd- Thursday's post:  #118 The Pitfall of Empty Rhetoric
C. Peter Wagner
5th- Saturday's post:  Of Geese and Difficult People
Randy Kilgore

A popular post: Lessons From a Spider Barb Suiter shares with us, “While driving cross-eyed down a busy highway is not the safest way to maneuver in and out of traffic, I couldn’t take my eyes off the small spider with flimsy white and black legs directly in my view on the car hood..."

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