Thursday, January 21, 2016

#10 God is Searching for People to Prevail

Wesley L. Duewel: The greatest need of God today is for men and women who know how to prevail in prayer—mighty intercessors, tireless prevailers, people who will persevere in prayer battle and prayer conquest until heaven's powers are released and God's will is done in the practical situations on earth.

God's cause creeps forward timidly and slowly when there are more organizers than agonizers, more workers than prevailing prayer warriors.

We need prayer warriors who have seen the heart of God, who have experienced the power and glory of the cross, who know the Bible meaning and significance of the day of judgment, heaven and hell.

We need prayer warriors who feel the slavery, the absence of any eternal hope, and the doom of the unsaved; who feel the transforming power, joy, and glory from Christ of the saved.

We need prayer warriors who pray as though God is God and as though Satan is Satan.

God seeks people to prevail in prayer. It is his ordained means to move the world toward righteousness and the people of the world toward salvation.

God seeks people to prevail because He sees earth's millions in their sin and need, loves them infinitely, and longs to save them from sin, Satan, and hell.

The price for their atonement is already paid. Calvary's work is finished triumphantly, forever. All things are ready, but man is blinded, fettered, and hardened by sin.

God's only hope for earth's millions is prevailing prayer. For this reason Jesus is prevailing day and night and needs our prevailing cooperation. God has ordained to save the nations through prayer (Ps. 2:8).

It is part of his eternal decree. Therefore Jesus prays, and therefore we must pray."
Used by permission of the author and Duewel Literature Trust, Inc., Greenwood, Indiana
(Google image and my emphasis added)

#10 God is Searching for People to Prevail
by Wesley L. Duewel
(pp. 22, 23) Zondervan 

     Father, we see that You have a plan and a desire for each of us to become a very important part of Your over-all mission of bringing to the world the good news of what You're Son did for us!
    Help us prevail in prayer for those all around us in our area. Put them on our hearts, and show us the seriousness of their plight to an endless eternity of doom and separation from Your love and goodness.
    May we get the message out, that the price has been paid for them to make their way back to You, a holy God.
    I ask this in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: 2 Tim. 4:5 KJV "But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."

Today’s quote: "Is there any use in beating about the bush? We call ourselves Christians, what does our Christianity amount to practically?...Sanctification is the work of Christ in me, the sign that I am no longer independent, but completely dependent upon Him. Sin in its essential working is independence of God: personal dependence upon God is the attitude of the Holy Ghost in my soul." (p. 483 of Devotions for MORNING and EVENING  with OSWALD CHAMBERS).

Some thoughts today: On our own, we have no access to God! Our justification is not a process. It is done upon our repentance of sin and confession of faith in Christ, and what He provided by His atonement on the cross.

We shall be saved from God's wrath through Jesus, if we've been reconciled by His death and saved by His life. (see Rom. 5:8-10).

We are declared righteous through our simple faith in Jesus. (Rom. 5:9). When God pours out His wrathful judgment on the appointed Day, it will be righteous. (see Rom. 6:23 

23rd- Saturday’s post by Unknown Author-
        Just Checking In
24th- Sunday Evening's post by Diana Leagh Matthews
    Behind the Song: Grace Greater than Our Sins!
26th- Tuesday's post by Wesley L. Duewel-
   #11 We Are Failing God
28th- Thursday's post by Wesley L. Duewel-
   #12 Wanted: Giants in Prayer

A popular post:  A Tangible God  Cindy Sproles  shares with us, "Tangible. I needed something tangible that day. I was worried, stressed. I needed something I could wrap my fingers around and hold in my hands. 

After all, I’m human and there’s that innate need to touch reality. 
But the reality is …"

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