So few there be that want to see what truly lies within
The hidden chambers of a heart that's torn apart by sin
Or one that's seeking answers in the trials that they face
From losing one most dear to them that time can not replace
So few there be that truly have desire in their heart
To listen to a broken soul who needs to share their part
Of what they may be suffering that few desire to hear
Unless they have been there before and shared a common tear
So few there be that want to take the time to lend a hand
That takes them from their comfort zone to try to understand
Events another's going through who only needs a friend
To help them hear them comfort them until there comes an end
To what the devil's placed on them to try to crush their soul
To leave them in despair and grief damnation as his goal
Unless by unexpected chance the Lord might bring to them
A tender heart and listening ear with loving grace from Him
For as this world gets closer to the end that's prophesied
When Christ will come in glory to receive the ones who've died
And those who will be waiting when they hear that trumpet sound
To rise with them in glory from this broken earthly ground
The trials and disasters will be greatly multiplied
And only those who know Him will at that time be supplied
With all they need in service for the ministry of love
That meets another in their need and points them up above
To where Christ holds the censor where the prayers of those arise
Who seek the Lord of glory Who is soon to part the skies
Because when they were suffering someone else was there to hear
Who once had walked the path they trod and could lend a tender ear
And who when they were blinded by the tears that blurred their eyes
Another soul who once was blinded saw the tears they cried
And offered them the comfort God had given once to them
That turned their life around and brought them once again to Him
Who lived in those who knew Him and still lives in them today
When morning after morning they grow like Him everyday
As in their time together with the Father and the Son
They make that preparation for God's work that must be done
Matthew 25:31-46; James 2:14-18
God's Work by Lee Forbes
Used by permission
(Google image, Sorrow)
Let's pray-
Father, may we listen to folks whose hearts are broken by grief or a common heartache. Help us let them know we do understand and care to share their pain, as You have comforted us in times past.
When someone needs a friend to help them with our comforting words, may we bring to them a tender heart and listening ear with loving grace from You.
Help us be supplied with all we need in service for the ministry of love to meet another in their need. May we point them up to You for the inner strength they'll need to endure their hardship.
When precious souls are blinded by their tears, may it be true our words of comfort will turn their lives around and bring them back to You.
It's true, Christ will soon return, so we ask for grace and tender hearts to help friends and family stay in fellowship with Jesus, and to sense that Your Work is being accomplished through us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
When someone needs a friend to help them with our comforting words, may we bring to them a tender heart and listening ear with loving grace from You.
Help us be supplied with all we need in service for the ministry of love to meet another in their need. May we point them up to You for the inner strength they'll need to endure their hardship.
When precious souls are blinded by their tears, may it be true our words of comfort will turn their lives around and bring them back to You.
It's true, Christ will soon return, so we ask for grace and tender hearts to help friends and family stay in fellowship with Jesus, and to sense that Your Work is being accomplished through us.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Today's Bible verses-
Prov. 27:17 (NKJV) "As iron sharpens iron, so a man
sharpens the countenance of his friend."
Prov. 16:3, 9, 16 (NKJV) "Commit your works to the
LORD, and your thoughts will be established.
(v. 9) A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD
directs his steps. (v. 16) How much better it is to
get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding
is to be chosen rather than silver."
Isaiah 59:19 b (NKJV) "When the enemy comes in like
a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard
against him."
Today's quotes-
~ Mary Southerland- "Many of us feel unwanted and unloved, but we can be assured that God knows us and loves us just as we are and right where we are, in the midst of our mess and sickness. One of my favorite verses of Scripture is Jeremiah 1:5: 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.' Your identity was established before the world began, in the heart and mind of God.
Before you were wanted or not wanted by human hearts, before you were planned or not planned by human minds, you were wanted and planned in the heart and mind of God. Created by God . . . for God. Wow! That makes you important. You are valuable—and the simple but almost unbelievable reason is that God created you. You can judge a product’s worth and value by looking at the one who made it. (From her post, Jesus Knows You)
Mary Southerland
Mary Southerland
Instagram: journeyfriend
"Anti" this and "Anti" that;
This is where America's at.
"We the People" are divided;
A land that's no more united.
Some say we can have an effect,
If we are politic'ly correct.
Whatever we say or do depends
On whether or not it offends.
We've been given "Freedom of Speech";
It's meaning seems diff'rent for each.
When things opposed end in protest,
Most times, it brings about unrest.
Respect the Red, White, and the Blue;
Honoring those in power, too.
When peace prevails by doing right,
It's acceptable in God's sight.
May we seek God and humbly pray,
That we might live to see the day,
When "In God We Trust" is as before,
And we are united once more.
This is where America's at.
"We the People" are divided;
A land that's no more united.
Some say we can have an effect,
If we are politic'ly correct.
Whatever we say or do depends
On whether or not it offends.
We've been given "Freedom of Speech";
It's meaning seems diff'rent for each.
When things opposed end in protest,
Most times, it brings about unrest.
Respect the Red, White, and the Blue;
Honoring those in power, too.
When peace prevails by doing right,
It's acceptable in God's sight.
May we seek God and humbly pray,
That we might live to see the day,
When "In God We Trust" is as before,
And we are united once more.
Today's popular post-
Jean Oathout asks the question that if the Hand of the Lord is with us, why do we walk in doubt and fear at times?
Is there a reason why people say that His Hand is with us and on us? What does that really mean?
Is there a reason why people say that His Hand is with us and on us? What does that really mean?
List of recent sermons of CFC ministers. CFC Potsdam church has a live service at 10 am Sunday's for shut-ins. If for some reason you can't make it to the church you usually attend, click on the above link, and still get fed!
Upcoming posts-
1/1- Tuesday's message from a post by James H. Cagle
Can We Know God Hears Our Prayers?
3rd- Thursday's message from a post by Dr. Wesley L. Duewel
Conversion Day
5th- Saturday's post by Walt Huntley
#1 The Sign of Prayer
8th- Saturday's post- THE PATH OF PRAYER, by Samuel Chadwick
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Welcome winter |
Jean's blog (Click to see snippets of the 7 recent posts)
Great post, thanks Jean