Billy Graham: First, we search for peace. As we have just seen, (#2 Searching for Happiness in the Wrong Places), the whole human race is consumed with a search for inner peace, happiness, and joy.
The peace we seek is not merely a nondescript, so-called peace of mind which is blind to reality or comes and goes according to our moods or circumstances. (Google image, Man relaxing in lounge chair on beach)
The peace every man and woman seeks is one which will free them from the anxiety and frustrations of life's distracting conflicts and problems. It is a peace of soul which permeates one's entire being, a peace that operates through the trials and burdens of life.
Second, we search for purpose. Man is confused and perplexed, wondering where he came from, why he is here, and where he is going. He wants to know if there is truth in this universe—truth which will be like a polar star to guide him and give him meaning.
Some speculate that humanity is an accident on this planet. According to their views, man was not put here for a purpose—he just happened. The existentialist philosopher declares that man has no God-given purpose and is left to make up his own purpose and meaning in life if he can.
But down inside we yearn for something more certain. Even the skeptic searches for truth, for man needs truth as the animals do not—not just the truth of the physical sciences and mathematics, but the truth about his being and why he is here.
Third, we search for a relationship with God. Even when men vehemently deny God's existence, they still are searching for something to fill the vacuum in their souls.
But it is a vacuum God, our Creator, placed there—and only He can fill it. Man was created in the image of God. At first, Adam and Eve had perfect fellowship with God. But they turned their backs on God, substituting themselves at the center of their lives instead of God their Creator.
Now man is a lost and lonely wanderer upon the earth apart from God. To have a vague knowledge that He exists is not enough. Man yearns to know that he is not alone in this universe, that there is a Higher Power guiding his destiny. He yearns for a relationship with his Creator—even if he does not admit it.
(Chapter one, pp. 6-8)
By Billy Graham
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Copy right 2011 by Billy Graham
Used by permission of
Thomas Nelson
Let's pray-
Father, the whole human race is consumed with a search for inner peace, happiness and joy. The peace they do find, seems blind to reality and comes and goes according to their moods or circumstances.
What they need is Your peace that frees them from the anxiety and frustrations of life's distracting conflicts and problems. A peace that operates through the trials and burdens of life; and which permeates their entire being.
Even when men vehemently deny Your existence, they still are searching for something to fill the vacuum You put in each one of us.
Adam and Eve started out in perfect fellowship with You, but they decided to disobey Your orders of not eating the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden. They chose to substitute themselves as the center of their lives instead of You.
Now men are lost and lonely wanderers apart from You, and have a vague knowledge that You exist. Man yearns to know he is not alone, and that there is a Higher Power guiding his life. He actually yearns for a relationship with You, his Creator, but many find it hard to admit it.
We ask for help to admit our need of You, and to find the reality of life that brings us into a real relationship with You.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen
What they need is Your peace that frees them from the anxiety and frustrations of life's distracting conflicts and problems. A peace that operates through the trials and burdens of life; and which permeates their entire being.
Even when men vehemently deny Your existence, they still are searching for something to fill the vacuum You put in each one of us.
Adam and Eve started out in perfect fellowship with You, but they decided to disobey Your orders of not eating the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden. They chose to substitute themselves as the center of their lives instead of You.
Now men are lost and lonely wanderers apart from You, and have a vague knowledge that You exist. Man yearns to know he is not alone, and that there is a Higher Power guiding his life. He actually yearns for a relationship with You, his Creator, but many find it hard to admit it.
We ask for help to admit our need of You, and to find the reality of life that brings us into a real relationship with You.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen
Today's Bible verses-
Jeremiah 29:12-13 (NLT)“In those days you will
pray and I will listen. If you seek me wholeheartedly
you will find me.”
2 Corinthians 4:6 "For God, who said, 'Light shall
shine out of darkness,' is the One who has shone in
our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the
glory of God in the face of Christ."
James 1:5 (NLT) “If you need wisdom, ask our
generous God, and he will give it to you. He will
not rebuke you for asking.”
Today's message by Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk |
4 ways your spouse's needs differ from yours
Today's guest post:
Vitamin Gratitude
Zoey Nyati-
"Research shows living a life of gratitude benefits the mind and body by improving mood and anxiety levels, improving sleep, and bolstering problem-solving abilities.
In 2017, I started living an intentionally thankful life.
I obtained an empty glass jar, and every week I wrote down things I was thankful for in that week, then placed the note in the jar. On New Year’s Eve, I read all of my gratitude notes. I felt so overwhelmed by how God had blessed me that year—in ways I had completely forgotten. "
Words of wisdom-
~ If there's a part of your life that cannot be an expression of your love for God, it should not be in our life.
~ Something happens when we realize what we're doing brings pleasure to God's heart. He takes it personally.
Next 10 of 80 Things our God Is
Infinite 1 Kings 8:27
All Powerful Jer. 32:17, 27
All Knowing 1 John 3:20
Ever Present Ps. 139:1,13
Unchangeable Num. 23:19
Jehovah Ps. 83:18
A Covenant Making God Heb. 10:16
The Everlasting Father Is. 9:6
A Father of Lights James 1:17
A Father of Mercies & God of All Comfort 2 Cor. 1:3
Jean's blog (Click to see snippets of the 7 recent posts)
Helpful ways the Lord helped me in my marriage
Upcoming posts-
Supernatural Power
14th- Saturday's post by J. Judson Taylor#5 The Beatitudes: God's Key to Men's Search
17th- Tuesday's post by Billy Graham
#6 Who Was This Jesus?
19th- Thursday's post by Billy Graham
Brokenness: The Heart God Revives
21st- Saturday's post by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
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