Andrew Murray- "Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit" (Ephesians 2:20 -22)
The triune God is mentioned here again—the Father for whom the habitation is built; Jesus Christ, the chief cornerstone; and the Spirit, the builder through whom all the living stones are united with each other in perfect fellowship with God. (Google image, The cornerstone, our firm foundation)
The main point of our text is fellowship—the fellowship of the Spirit. That fellowship is spoken of first as the fellowship of believers who are built up into one holy temple.
Paul spoke of the Gentiles as strangers from the covenant of the promise who are now accepted by the blood of Christ. The enmity between Jews and Gentiles was nailed to the cross that we both might have access in one Spirit to the Father.
In verse 19 he says, "Ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God." Jew and Gentile have access by one Spirit to the Father, and by the same Spirit, they are built up into one temple.
The cross has ended all separation among Jews and Gentiles, Greek and barbarian, the wise and the foolish—all are one in Christ Jesus. National and social distinctions cannot stand against the unity of the Spirit.
The cement which holds the living stones together, the bond which makes all members of one household and one body is the Spirit and the life and the love of God Himself.
Our Bond of Love
Our fellowship with Christ, the Cornerstone, is also the work of the Holy Spirit. In Him, the believer on earth and the Father in heaven find their bond of union.
Men think of pardon, peace, obedience, and holiness as an end in themselves. But they are only means to the great end of bringing God and man into perfect union.
We prize the atonement through the blood of Christ while we forget there is something higher—the presence and fellowship of God Himself.
God dwelt in the sanctuary in the midst of His people so that He could be their God. They enjoyed His guidance, His blessing, His mighty deliverance in their time of need, and His abiding presence.
Fellowship with the Father and the Son, that intimate, holy, and unceasing communion, is the reason for man's creation. That fellowship has been restored to us in Christ Jesus.
As believers realize their dependence on Christ and their inseparable union with Him, they will trust the Spirit to maintain within them the faith of His presence.
Then they will know that the presence and the power of God is the highest of all the blessings in Christ Jesus. Through the Spirit alone we can have access in Christ to the Father. He reveals Christ to us and the reality of our union with Him. We can experience the nearness to God He gives.
He not only builds the temple but He reveals the indwelling God. He makes each heart a temple and reveals God's willingness to be and to do in our heart what He is and does in heaven above.
It seems impossible to many Christians that the presence of God can be with them and keep them. But it is indeed possible if we know and believe in the Holy Spirit as the power of God that works in us.
(Chapter 8, pp. 40-42)
by Andrew Murray
Copyright © 1984
Copyright © 1984
by Whitaker House
Used by permission
Let's pray-
Father, we're thankful that the enmity between Jews and Gentiles was nailed to the cross of Jesus, and that we both now have access to You by one Spirit.
We are one in Him, eliminating national and social distinctions that cannot stand against the unity of the Spirit. He is the cement which holds the living stones together, bonding all the members of Your household in Your Love.
Pardon, peace, obedience and holiness seem the end in themselves, but they are only the means to the great end of bringing us into a perfect union with You.
May we realize that the prize of the atonement through the blood of Christ, is to have the presence and fellowship of You and Him, which is the reason for man's creation.
As believers, help us realize our dependence on Your Spirit, and our inseparable union with Him, that we can trust Him to maintain within us the faith of Your presence.
We can know this power is the highest of all blessings in Christ Jesus, and that through the Spirit alone we can have access to You.
Thank You that we can experience nearness to You which Jesus provided. This not only builds the temple, but reveals the indwelling of Your Spirit, and reveals Your willingness to be and to do in our hearts what Christ is and does in heaven.
May we believe that You dwell within us as believers, and You're drawing us to Yourself through the presence of Your Holy Spirit. Help us be sensitive and obedient to His leading.
We ask this in Christ's name. Amen
We are one in Him, eliminating national and social distinctions that cannot stand against the unity of the Spirit. He is the cement which holds the living stones together, bonding all the members of Your household in Your Love.
Pardon, peace, obedience and holiness seem the end in themselves, but they are only the means to the great end of bringing us into a perfect union with You.
May we realize that the prize of the atonement through the blood of Christ, is to have the presence and fellowship of You and Him, which is the reason for man's creation.
As believers, help us realize our dependence on Your Spirit, and our inseparable union with Him, that we can trust Him to maintain within us the faith of Your presence.
We can know this power is the highest of all blessings in Christ Jesus, and that through the Spirit alone we can have access to You.
Thank You that we can experience nearness to You which Jesus provided. This not only builds the temple, but reveals the indwelling of Your Spirit, and reveals Your willingness to be and to do in our hearts what Christ is and does in heaven.
May we believe that You dwell within us as believers, and You're drawing us to Yourself through the presence of Your Holy Spirit. Help us be sensitive and obedient to His leading.
We ask this in Christ's name. Amen
Today's Bible verses-
Col. 3:13, (NIV) "Bear with each other
Today's quote-
Col. 3:13, (NIV) "Bear with each other
and forgive one another if any of you has a
grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord
forgave you."
Col. 3:15, 16 (NKJV) "And let the peace of God
rule in your hearts, to which also you were called
in one body; and be thankful. (v. 16) Let the word
of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching
and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns
and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts
to the Lord."
Col. 4:2, 5, 6 (NKJV) "Continue earnestly in prayer,
being vigilant init with thanksgiving; (v. 5) Walk in
wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming
the time. (v. 6) Let your speech always be with grace,
seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought
to answer each one."
~ John & Carol Arnott- "Without this anointing of the Spirit, we are ministering in the flesh. We certainly don't want to settle for that. Sometimes we are impressed with ministers and leaders who are anointed, but what if the character or integrity of that minister doesn't seem to match the anointing? No one is perfect, of course, and we live with the provision of grace and forgiveness, but don't mistake grace for license and a lack of integrity." (p. 100)
Words of wisdom-
~ Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. It is possible, then, to be content in any and every situation. We're to connect our joy with His precious promises found in the Bible.
~ Wherever you are, you're called to carry the anointing to serve as God breathes purpose into your life!
A recent post: True Christianity
By Lee Forbes
The way we view the future lies in how we see the past
And how we do respond to how the die in life is cast
And how we do respond to how the die in life is cast
As each event can mold us and the virtue we might lose
Or can be simply building blocks upon which we might choose
List of recent sermons of CFC ministers. CFC Potsdam NY church has a live service at 10 am Sunday's for shut-ins. If for some reason you can't make it to the church you usually attend, click on the above link, and still get fed!
Jean's blog (Click to see snippets of the 7 recent posts)
Helpful ways the Lord helped me in my marriage
Upcoming posts-
Benefits of the Local Church
23rd- Saturday's post by Karen Friday
#17 Loving the Brethren
26th- Tuesday's post by Andrew Murray
#18 Proclaiming the Way of Life
28th- Thursday's post by Andrew Murray
Another Chance
39th- Saturday's post by Patricia Raybon
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