Saturday, February 22, 2014

Are We Failing?

Tammie Johnson challenges us with this:

One of the most important commandments of Christ is to love our neighbor as ourselves.

We have many, many people out there who are unsaved. They are less fortunate than we are.

We must ask ourselves, ’"Why do people who call themselves Christians push less fortunate people away? Didn’t the Lord send us to heal the broken hearted? And be faithful to lead them to Him?"

In God’s Word, Jesus said the healthy didn’t need a doctor, the sick did.

Are the less fortunate pushed away and shunned, whether they’re sick or healthy?

Of course they look different; of course they act and talk differently than us. They don’t have a lot of money; they may not even smell right.

But that’s why  the Lord sent His people, His disciples, His followers, to love these people and to lead them to Him, the Great Physician.

We are to teach them, hold them, have compassion and have love for them, even if they are different.

That’s why we are here. We serve the Holy One, the Great I Am, God Himself. 

Not for our own foolish pride, or selfish ways. 

All too often I see this, and people are deeply wounded by this.

Having the Lord’s heart, it breaks my heart as well, when I feel what God must feel when we act that way.

Let's love our neighbors as ourselves, no matter where they come from, who they are, or how they act. Not on how we feel.

Help God gather His children. Once we do our part in bringing them to the Lord, trust God to do His part. 

With guidance through church attendance and praying for them, they can soon grow in the Lord and be what He intends for them. 

Pray they'll begin loving the only One Who matters: God!

But for that to happen, we must get past our own needs, wants, desires, pride, and selfishness.

We’re to do what God has put us here to do as His children: Minister His love, minister His Word, and lead people to Him.

Remember what you were like before someone took you under their wing and spoke to you about the Lord. (Not pretty).

Remember what the Lord did for you so you could have the life you have: Eternal Life.

"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."  John 3:16

Put yourself for one moment in their shoes and you will know how they feel. 

Please remember, that you have the love of God within you, to reach out to them with the love of Jesus, like someone loved you once.

Are We Failing? by Tammie Johnson

Tammie is married to Allen Johnson, and enjoys hunting and fishing with him.

It is Tammie's vision to have revival services in Ogdensburg this summer!

(Used by permission by Tammie Johnson - Google images added.)


   Father, we admit our lack of attention to others who need Your Salvation.

   Please forgive us, and help us to reach out to those You show us we're to speak to about Your love and Redemption in and through Christ Jesus, that You offer to us all.

   May we not always think of our own needs, but begin to see Your leading us in helping others find You.

   In the Precious Name of Jesus I pray. Amen

Today’s Bible verse: Is. 41:15a :"Behold, I (God) make thee a new sharp threshing instrument."

Today’s quote: Sharon Jaynes – “Hurt is inevitable in relationships. We are sinful creatures living in a fallen world, and it is only by the grace of God that we can be a blessing to anyone. The only way to be better rather than bitter is to extend the same grace to others that God extended to us through Jesus Christ. The key to writing a beautiful life story is to have a pencil with a good eraser.”

Some thoughts today: You're already significant! God loves you!

- We're like a bridge. As others see Christ formed in us, they'll become interested in Him, too!

- The times you feel frustrated, you'll not be in God's will for you. Take a "time out", and seek His face in His Word for clear direction.

23rd- Sunday’s post:  God's Armor  Dr. Charles Stanley

    Evening's post: What Happens When We Say "Yes" to God?  Jean Oathout (My impressions from a ladies retreat I attended)

This is my last post for about 2 weeks, as I'll be leaving for Catskill tomorrow after church, to stay with my son, John. They are expecting their first child on the 27th, and as he has to work, I'm to be with Leah. Please pray for my safe traveling, and that I'll be a blessing to them. 

A popular post: The Forgiveness of Christ  "Have you accepted the forgiveness of Christ? If not, do it!"

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