Thursday, June 19, 2014

#94 Confidentiality

C. Peter Wagner goes on to share
from his book, PRAYER SHIELD:

When Cindy Jacobs lists the 
qualifications of person prayer 
partners, number two on
her list (after a commitment 
to pray) is confidentiality.

Because I received my initial 
prayer partners from people with whom
 I had developed a relationship over a
 long period of time, confidentiality did not 
at first occur to me as an important consideration.

I clearly recall when I approached Bobbye Byerly about praying for us, she emphasized more than once that what we shared as prayer requests would be kept strictly confidential and we could totally depend on it.

She said she had known of cases where this had been violated and personal prayer requests had become subjects of gossip, doing much damage to people and their ministries.

Fortunately, Doris and I did not have to go through any bad experiences to learn how important confidentiality is, but since then we have found ourselves sharing items with I-1 and I-2 intercessors that were definitely not for public knowledge.

And we have felt our shared information was as secure as the papers we have in our safe deposit box in the bank.

Only with this assurance can pastors and other leaders open up their deeper and most urgent needs to the intercessors."

#94 Confidentiality, in the series
 taken from C. Peter Wagner’s 
book, PRAYER SHIELDHow to 
intercede for pastors, Christian
leaders and others on the spiritual
frontlines. (pgs. 171-172)
 Regal Books

PRAYER SHIELD ChristianBooks - offered for $9.69 There are many of Wagner's books offered there. Type in the title of this book at the top of page.

Let’s pray:

   Father, may we be diligent to watch what we say, when it comes to what others confide in us.

   If our pastor or some other leader confides in us, help us keep the information before You, and to not share it with anyone!

   May we earn the confidentiality of others.

   I ask this in the Name of my Savior, Jesus. Amen 

Today’s Bible verse:  Ps. 119:133  "Order my steps in Thy Word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me."

Today’s quote: Sondra Dron When you grow weary doing more than your share, remember: Jesus wants His hard-working servants to see a bigger picture. Receive strength in His Word and in His presence. The busier we get with church, home, or job, the more time we need with Him. Spend time with God now. Feel power coming from the other side of the harness.”

Some thoughts today: Open your Bible and ask God to show you how to bless Him.

- Let's be different than the world. Let's honor the aged. We miss so much by not honoring them!

- Did you know that our motives are weighed by God? Prov. 16:2 And that He knows our thoughts? Ps. 94:11

21st- Saturday’s post:  Part 2- How CAN we hear from God? (8-14 of 21 ways)  Jean Oathout

22nd- Sunday's post:  Praying Scripture Over Children  Sharon Jaynes

22nd- evening's post:  Part 3- How CAN we hear from God? (15-21 ways)  Jean Oathout

24th-Tuesday's post:  #95  Seasons of Dryness  C. Peter Wagner

A popular post:  Be Defensive - Keep the Serpent Out!  
Dutch Sheets tells us, “Adam was told in Genesis 2:15 to 
guard or ‘keep’ the garden. From what? It had to be the 
serpent! I assert this because first of all, it is much in keeping 
with the nature of God to have warned him."

It's imperative to pray
for one another! (for comments)

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse  
Kindle $2.99 a review would be
appreciated. Bridal Shower Devotional 
Bridal Wisdom for Women

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse 
My book in paperback $7.95
(Check out the Reviews on the
Kindle page of my book)

Wisdom for Brides (Christian
Marriage, Counseling, & Help) (Volume 1)

(I give my personal testimony in the end

Samples of Jean's crafts
Where authors and readers come together!

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