Sunday, June 15, 2014

Even When

Cindy Sproles shares, "Lord, it's been a long, hard winter." 

I gazed into the trees above me and I could have sworn, for an instant, I heard Him say,

'I know.'

I wondered if it would ever break through to spring.

Between the snow and bitter cold, not to mention a nearly year-long family crisis, I wasn't sure my toes or my heart would thaw.

But the warmth of the afternoon called and I obeyed. I plopped down in the swing by the pond and leaned my head back. 

A soft spring breeze danced among the wind chimes causing a concerto in D to play. Our fair weather bird friends hopped off and on the freshly filled feeders, while the coy in the pond splashed about. 

Rays of sunshine filtered through the tree and onto my face, soaking the frustration, agony, and pain of the winter out of me.

'Like I said. It's been a long winter.'

Again, I heard the whisper on the wind. 

'Yes, it was. But now it's over. Feel the warmth? Trust me, I got this.'

Tears welled then dripped off my nose. 

'Really? You got it? No more worry?'

'Not that you need be concerned over. Lean back. Rest.' 

And I did.

There are times I wish God would use His godliness to just audibly tell me how to fix a situation. I mean, He is God. Creator of the Universe. 

Speaking out loud is nothing for the maker of the world. Yet God doesn't talk audibly to us. He doesn't just answer. He requires something of us. Belief. Trust. Faith. 

These things, though relatively simple, are profoundly difficult. 

In our humanity, the world pushes us to make the simple seem impossible.

God has yet to let His children down. He's kept every promise, fulfilled every duty, even loved us when we were unlovable. 

More than that, He continues to forgive us, relentlessly seeking after us, clearing the paths we need to take, but we don't. 

When the disciples asked Jesus 
what they must do in order to do
the work of the Lord, Jesus' reply 
was to believe in Him.

The seasons of our lives come and go. Some winters are mild while others, like this one, are bitter. Yet through it all, our work for God, our lives, our daily choices are rolled neatly into one thing. Belief. 

We either believe in Jesus and His love or we continue to try and manage on our own, hoping the snow soon melts.

The wind whipped through the slats in the swing and though it was a little nippy, the warmth of the sun made the perfect balance. 

My belief, along with the unconditional love of Jesus, makes the perfect balance. I can get through the bitter winter and bask in the warmth and renewal of spring when I believe. . .believe God will never abandon me.

If your fingers are blue and your teeth are chattering from the 'cold' -- believe. Even when it's hard. Even when it seems impossible. And remember, God loves you too. Even when. . ."

"Then they asked him, 'What must we do to do the works God requires?' Jesus answered, 'The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.' " John 6:28-29 NIV

(Google image added and emphasis)

Even When - By Cindy Sproles 

Cindy Sproles is the founder of Christian 
Devotions Ministries. She has contributed  
to several newspapers on the eastern 
seaboard, as well as PML Programs, 
Common Ground Herald, Tri-County News 

Her devotions and articles are published weekly in several newspapers across the country. She is the Executive Editor of, and Acquisitions Editor for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. 

Cindy is the coauthor of He Said, She Said: A Devotional Guide to Cultivating a Life of Passion, and the author of New Sheets: Thirty Days to Refine You Into the Woman You Can Be.

Cindy attended Johnson Bible College, but graduated with a BA in Business from the University of Phoenix. She is a gifted communicator and teacher who speaks frequently for ladies' conferences, special events, and writers conferences across the country. 

Cindy also directs Writers ADVANCE! Boot Camp, an annual Christian writers' conference in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. You can visit her at

* Money from New Sheets is donated to Hope House to help young, pregnant moms choose "life."

Need to change your husband? Change your sheets. Want to change jobs? Change your sheets. Long for a new life? Just change your sheets. God uses our life experiences to shape us...

Print version $5.50 
Kindle version $3.00 

Caregivers of Rare Diseases  A very helpful message by 

Elaine Benton

Let’s pray:

   Father, when it comes to things happening in our lives that we don't understand at the moment, may we pause and give You opportunity to help us manage our emotions.

   May we be quick to seek Your viewpoint, and may we strive to know what Your will is in and through it.

   We know things do happen, as that's life. Cause us to be cautious in what we say and do, so as to consider how You want us to act, or react.

  I ask for Your guidance in every situation, Jesus. Amen

Today’s Bible verse: Phil. 3:10 "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death."

Today’s quote: Julie Ackerman Link – “We sing ‘Jesus is the sweetest name I know,’ but some of us present Him as if He’s gone sour. Pure truth, untainted by pride, is the sweetest, most refreshing taste of all to those who hunger for spiritual sustenance. And we have the privilege of serving it to a starving world.”

Some thoughts today: If you have "blown it" in some way, God wants you to go back there, repent, and get things right.

- Jesus came to set us free from anger, malice, hatefulness, etc. Will our lives prove good examples of walking with Christ?

- Bitterness and unforgiveness affect us physically, as well as spiritually. Your character can help or hinder your ministry.

15th- Sunday evening’s post:  Part 1- How CAN we hear from God? (7 of 21 ways)  Jean Oathout

17th- Tuesday's post:  #93  Open Communication  C. Peter Wagner

19th- Thursday's post:  #94  Confidentiality  C. Peter Wagner

21st- Saturday's post:  Part 2- How CAN we hear from God?  (8-14 of 21 ways)  Jean Oathout

A popular post:  Until Fears Subside  Sandra Dron shares with us her experience: "The marble felt smooth and cold in my mouth. I held it there as I played, until it slipped down my throat and over my windpipe. I dropped my toy."

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Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse 
My book in paperback $7.95
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Wisdom for Brides (Christian
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