Saturday, June 14, 2014

Planning to Fail or Failing to Plan

photo courtesy & cohdra Debbie Hardy - “Budget is a 
four-letter word, as far as I’m 
concerned,' I said to my husband.

I hated being limited in what I spent,
how I spent it, and how much I’d 
have  left at the end of the month. 

Instead, when I sat down with my monthly bills, I would buy all those 'little things' that I wanted and then divide up what was left to cover the minimum due on my credit cards and utilities. It worked – sort of.

A budget would have limited my spending. At least that’s what I thought.

Then I married Bryan, a man who faithfully opened his 'budget notebook' every month and filled in the blanks. 

He wrote down what our take-home pay would be, what dates we were paid, and when each bill was due. Then, he would calculate how much to tithe, what to put in savings, and what was left to buy the extras.

When he first showed me his process, I just smiled like a good little wife and decided to let him think he was in control of our money. I knew I would still spend what I wanted when I wanted, so I had no intention of being on a budget.

King Solomon was the wisest and richest man who ever lived. Although he inherited the kingdom and wealth, he also managed to increase his net worth enormously. 

Solomon knew that a budget is merely knowing and controlling where your money goes. Many of his proverbs include tidbits explaining how to improve our financial situation.

When Bryan explained the real definition of the word budget, I was more than willing to get on board. 

I finally realized the freedom of knowing how much money would be left each month for all the extras we wanted instead of wondering if there would be enough.

For someone who plans parties, schedules, and vacations down to the minute, it’s kind of weird that I didn’t want to plan my finances as well. 

I was afraid I wouldn't have any spending money, when in fact, the opposite is true. Now, I can relax and not worry about end-of-month shortages.

I heard once that if you fail to plan, you’re really planning to fail. Don’t know about you, but I don’t want to go there. 

Let Christ be a part of your financial success and trust His budget for you."

Planning to Fail or Failing to plan - Debbie Hardy

"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." Proverbs 21:5 NIV

(Emphasis added)

Photo courtesy &  cohdra

Debbie Hardy Head Shot 1Debbie Hardy is the author of Stepping Through Cancer, A Guide for the Journey, and the upcoming Free to Be Fabulous from 40, 50, and Beyond: 100 Ways to Look, Act, and Feel Younger. 

A Colorado resident, widow, mother, grandmother, and accomplished pianist, Debbie is a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, National Speakers Association of Colorado, and several writers groups, where she mentors aspiring authors. 

Her positive outlook and joy in Christ have helped her transition from corporate America to writing, speaking, and encouraging others. Check out her website at and sign up for her blog.

(Permission by and Debbie Hardy)

Information worth checking out is David Ramsey. He has much wisdom to share, as well as helpful books on the subject of finances. I've taken his classes, offered through videos, and with an instructor. He offers this through churches, as our church offers it every year.

Let’s pray:

   Father, we need this message today!

   May we read it with understanding, 
and a desire to change our present 
habits, which may actually be 

   We want the best for ourselves and loved ones, so ask that You impress us with what Debbie has shared with us today, that we'll become better stewards of all You provide for us.

  In the precious Name of Jesus, we ask this. Amen.

You may want to check out my post on 8/9/13: Me? Follow a Budget?

Another interesting post:  Need Money? Don’t Worry  Hope Flinchbaugh 

Today’s Bible verse: 2 Kings 15:3a "And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD."

Today’s quote:  Mary Southerland- "I have come to believe that failure is a necessary part of our growth and maturity as a follower of Jesus Christ. Failure can interpret the unconditional love and forgiveness of God like nothing else can - if we let it.

speration can be our friend if it makes us crave God and long to see His power unleashed in our lives. Failure is not final but God’s grace is." 

Some thoughts today: Don't focus on your weakness or failures, but focus on God and His provision through Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

- God wants to bless you. Are you ready?

- God wants to use the strength of the young and the wisdom of the wise. Make yourself available to God.

15th- Sunday’s post:  Even When  Cindy Sproles

15th- evening's post:  Part 1- How CAN we hear from God? (7 of 21 ways)  Jean Oathout

17th- Tuesday's post:  #93  Open Communication  C. Peter Wagner

19th- Thursday's post:  #94  Confidentiality  C. Peter Wagner 

A popular post:  Protective Boundaries  Dutch Sheets -  “Many Christians believe that protection from accidents, destruction, satanic traps and assaults, etc., is automatic for the Christian—that we do nothing to cause it—that it is based on the sovereignty of God alone."

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse  
Kindle $2.99 a review would be
Bridal Shower Devotional: Bridal
Wisdom for Women

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse 
My book in paperback $7.95
(Check out the Reviews on the
Kindle page of my book)

Wisdom for Brides (Christian
Marriage, Counseling, & Help) (Volume 1)
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