Friday, September 12, 2014

Crossing the Bridge

 William Brooks Hull shares his poem with us today:

In years gone by, there were a few who didn’t like The Bridge:
they called it cold, a ribbon of steel, arching to a ridge;
perhaps the final capstone, the very finishing touch,
of the wanton progress, which had destroyed so much.

But at the end of Spring's last day, I find it sweet and gent’
as I depart from Canada, and start on my ascent;
up the grated highway, toward the near ­full moon,
which hovers in the evening sky, the 20th of June.

Round a bend, the moon veers left, the main span now intrudes,
’tis the perfect place to see St. Lawrence in her moods.
Tonight her water shimmers, light blue against the sky:
a rose quartz vein above the shore, limestone dusk on high.

Many other moods has she, from Blue! to blackest night.
Winter finds her special heart, a sapphire laced with white.
Imagine Franz von Werra, trekking ’cross the ice,
twenty years before The Bridge, howling wind the price.

Past the crest, and all these thoughts have entertained my mind;
Ontario, and Canada, and Springtime lay behind.
What lies ahead, who really knows? St. Lawrence gives no clue:
if only she would speak to me, she’d make my dreams come true.

 Crossing the Bridge by 
Bill Brooks Hull

June 21st , 2005 Copyright 2005 

Bill says: The bridge in the poem 
is the Ogdensburg-Prescott 
International Bridge, which opened in 1960.  

The first two lines in my poem refer to another poem about the St. Lawrence written by the late Lee McKnight, a former mayor of Prescott, who lamented the passing of the ferry and replacement by the shiny new bridge.  

I read that poem years ago, but cannot find a copy today.  Lee McKnight was my grandmother's 1st cousin, and he and I shared the date of our birthdays.  

Lee wrote the soliloquy on the St. Lawrence that I read a couple months ago at the writers' group.  Several of his writings had the theme of the St. Lawrence as that which joins us, rather than divides us.

The next two lines of my poem comment on the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway and the loss of so much of our heritage.  

My second and third stanzas describe how the moon seemed to be directly in line with the bridge as I started across, giving the impression I could just drive right to it, but then I rounded a bend and crossed the river instead.  

In the fourth stanza, I mention Franz von Werra, a German flying ace and British prisoner of war during World War II, who escaped from a train traveling across Canada, and made his way across the ice to the United States, still a neutral country in 1940.  

He was the subject of a book, One That Got Away, and a movie, The One That Got Away.

(This is not my son, Bill Hull. This Bill goes to my writers group.)

Let’s pray:

   Father, there are many 
times in life, we are given 
interesting lessons from 
others to examine.

   Help me to read and hear stories of men and women of 

faith, so my own faith is strengthened and will stand the 
challenges that come.

   I ask for guidance in my taking from them what I
am in need of, to develop my love for You.

   In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: 1 Sam. 30:6c "But David encouraged himself in the LORD his God."

Today’s quote:  Phyllis Freeman – “God can help us overcome the enemies—sin, fear, anger, and doubt. At the point of need we’re given enablement beyond the powers of our enemy as we trust in a faithful God.”

Some thoughts today: There's a true gospel and a false one. There are many churches with many differences, but is their core Jesus Christ?

- The Holy spirit desires us to hold onto the Truth with tenacity. 

- There are groups who say we have to do certain things to be saved. Jesus did what was necessary, my friend. We're to believe in His sacrificial work of redemption, and obey. (see Acts 2:38)

Sept. 23rd- Tuesday's post:  #1 WARFARE PRAYER
Introduction  C. Peter Wagner

25th- Thursday's post:  #2 WARFARE PRAYER
Intro con't  C. Peter Wagner

27th- Saturday's post:  The Jungle
Max Lucado

28th- Sunday's post:  The Power of a Single Act
James Cagle

A popular post:  A Meeting for Reconciliation    Dutch Sheets -  “…Psalm 85:10 states‘Lovingkindness and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other...  God had a dilemma seen through four words in this verse. He not only is a God of lovingkindness (which represents His mercy, kindness, love and forgiveness), but He is also a God of truth..."
Where authors and readers come together!

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse  
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Bridal Shower Devotional: Bridal
Wisdom for Women

Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse 
My book in paperback $7.16

Wisdom for Brides (Christian Marriage,
Counseling, & Help) 

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