Tuesday, February 17, 2015

#41 The Underlying Issue

C. Peter Wagner shares with us,
"A hypothesis I am attempting to
defend in this book has been stated 
as follows:

   'Satan delegates high raking members

of the hierarchy of evil spirits to control
nations, regions, cities, tribes, people groups, neighborhoods and other significant social networks of human beings throughout the world. Their major assignment is to prevent God from being glorified in their territory, which they do through directing the activity of lower ranking demons.' (This was stated by Wagner in his book, Wrestling with Dark Angels p.77)

It can immediately be seen that this hypothesis will stand or fall on the issue of whether spirits or demonic beings can legitimately be perceived as occupying territories. 

I will discuss that in detail in the next chapter, but first a preliminary question needs to be addressed:

    Do demons attach themselves to specific things such as idols,

    animals, houses or natural features such as trees or mountains?

My answer? Yes!

Matthew, Mark and Luke all tell the story of Jesus casting out the demon named Legion in the country of the Gadarenes.

The demons went from the man into pigs (Matt. 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39). There is no biblical question, then, that demons can attach themselves to animals.

Parenthetically, it is apropos to point out here that when they realized Jesus was going to cast them out of the man, the demons 

    'begged Him earnestly that He would not send them out 

     of the country' (Mark 5:10).

Why did they do this? Obviously, remaining in the same geographical territory had some value to the demons, and Jesus acceded to their request, sending them into the pigs.

Argentine pastor Eduardo Lorenzo, whose congregation was 

successful in evicting the territorial spirit over Adrogue (see
#7 Evicting the Ruler of Adrogue')reports their perception that 
principalities who are cast out of assigned territories fear cruel 
punishment will be inflicted by their spiritual superiors for their 
failure to remain.

In Revelation 2:13, Satan is associated with a city and its cult-center. In the passage, the city of Pergamos in Asia Minor is said to be 'where Satan dwells.' "

(Google image and emphasis added)

#41 The Underlying Issue
By C. Peter Wagner
(pgs. 76-77) Regal Books

Mark I. Bubeck shares with us from his book  The Satanic Revival  "Hope for world evangelization and revolutionary revival demands that believers recognize the truth of fierce opposition continuing to come from the world of darkness. Evil supernaturalism hates revival. If we ignore Satan's work, we will never overcome his schemes against a revival awakening. Our only hope is to aggressively apply Christ's victorious work over Satan. That's a truth we must not ignore."

Pray with me:  

    Father, guide us in our learning of what the real need is in our community.
    Help us recognize the truth of fierce opposition coming from Satan, and that we have a very definite part in combating his effectiveness in our churches.
    Make me be aware of opportunities to pray with others for victories and healings of those I come in touch with daily, and at church.
 I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: 1 Kings 8:42a "For they shall hear of thy great name, and of thy strong hand, and of thy stretched out arm."

Today’s quote: Sarah Lynn Phillips – “Contemplating 
Christ’s death has a way of increasing our desire to kneel at the foot of the cross, to see in His brokenness a sacred beauty and what it represents to us personally: forgiveness, a standing invitation to the throne of grace, the anticipation of spending eternity with Him. To share with Him our hearts. To listen to His.”

Some thoughts today: Hope is the soil we put our faith in. Do you curse yourself with lies? Don't let fear and disappointment stop your faith from believing God's promises for you in the Bible. He impresses us personally what they are, when reading it.

- Are you praying for someone, or a situation to change? Keep believing and praying. Everything may very well depend on it.

Unceasing Prayer  by Max Lucado-
"Unceasing prayer may sound complicated, but it needn't be that way. Do this. Think of prayer less as an activity for God and more as an awareness of God. 

Seek to live in uninterrupted awareness. As you stand in line to register your car, think, 'Thank you, Lord, for being here.' In the grocery store as you shop, think, 'Your presence, my King, I welcome.' As you wash the dishes, worship your Maker.

Brother Lawrence called himself the 'lord of all pots and pans."  He wrote, "The time of busy-ness does not with me differ from the time of prayer; and in the clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon knees at the blessed sacrament.' 

So talk to God, always. Besides, it makes more sense to talk to God than mumble to yourself!"

(Emphasis added)


Listen to UpWords with Max Lucado at OnePlace

19th- Thursday's post:  #42 Demons and Idols   C. Peter Wagner
21st- Saturday's post:  Habits of a Healthy Mind   David McCasland
22nd- Sunday evening's post:  When I Go to Heaven  Debbie McEwen
24th- Tuesday's post:  #43 Does this Happen in the United States? C. Peter Wagner

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