Thursday, March 5, 2015

#46 Second Opinions

C. Peter Wagner shares with us: I 
became so insecure because of the 
ridicule I received when I wrote the
Christian Life column, I began to
wonder whether I had gone off the
deep end.

So I searched the literature to see if others agreed. I was relieved to find many others who asserted with confidence that demons could, and indeed did, occupy certain houses a objects.

I was encouraged to find that British Anglican leader, Michael Harper, had a similar experience to mine. He quite unexpectedly, began to be plagued with nighttime feelings of gloom and fear, especially the fear of death.

This was so unusual for him that he became concerned, particularly when they steadily grew worse. He soon became convinced that the house his family had recently occupied, quite an old building, had "something unpleasant" about it.

So he called on Dom Robert Petipierre, and Anglican Benedictine monk, to stay there for a night and do some warfare praying.

Petipierre "Conducted a Communion service in the house and exorcized every room" according to the prescribed Anglican ritual for such things.

Michael Harper reports,

    "From that day onwards the atmosphere in the house 
     changed  and there was no recurrence of the experiences
     which I have related."

The same Dom Robert Petipierre edited the report of a special commission to investigate such issues convened by the Bishop of Exeter in 1972.

The Bishop described the situation that provoked him to form the commission as an attitude in the church of England to.. 

    "regard exorcism as an exercise in white magic or a survival
     of medieval superstition."

It usually had been seen as a negative action. He was concerned that Anglican leaders had all but overlooked exorcism's.. 

    "positive aspect as an extension of the frontiers of Christ's
    Kingdom and a demonstration of the power of the Resurrection
    to overcome evil and replace it with good."

The report found that places such as churches, houses, towns and countryside may be strained and influenced by a variety of causes such as ghosts, magical spells, human sin, place memories, poltergeist or psychic action, and demonic influence."

Respected Christian leaders such as missionary Vivienne Stacey tell about driving demons from haunted houses in Pakistan. "The Practice of Exorcism and Healing, Muslims and Christians on the Emmaus Road, (This is a link to information about her life and mission.)

Pastor James Marocco describes the spiritual oppression on the Hawaiian island of Molokai. 

Don Crawford reports spirits occupying a tree in Indonesia. Miracles in Indonesia (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1972), p. 144 (paperback $.01!)

And the list could be extended ad infinitum.

(Google image and emphasis added)

#46 Second Opinions
By C. Peter Wagner
(pgs. 83, 84) Regal Books

Mark I. Bubeck shares with us from his book  The Satanic Revival  (pg. 51) "It is important that God's people know why nations fall. The satanic revival presently under way demands a spiritual response from God's people that is strong enough to meet the challenge. Only the power of the gospel, unleashed through a concentrated season of prayer and repentance, is mighty enough to dismantle a satanic revival. believers must know that and act upon it."

Pray for your pastor: "Ask God to protect your pastor's marriage and keep it strong as a model of Christ's relationship with the Church. Pray that your pastor will tenderly cherish and lead his wife, and that she will respect and encourage her husband, submitting to his leadership." (Eph. 5:23-33)  (If your pastor is not married, pray for his relationships with loved ones and those who are close to him.)

Our praise verse: Judges 5:3 "Hear this, you kings! Listen, you rulers! I, even I, will sing to the LORD; I will praise the LORD, the God of Israel, in song."

Pray with me: 

     Father, We need Your guidance 

in these matters, as we want to 
bring release to those who've been
bothered by such troubles.

    Enable us to come against attacks of the evil one in homes and places that are vexed with disturbing situations.

    May we remember that the Name of Jesus brings deliverance and victory! 

    Help us call on the power that comes from His presence in every challenge to bring peace where there is turmoil.

    I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Prov. 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."

Today’s quote: John Bevere - "Once you leave the place God has chosen for you, your root system begins to dwarf. The next time it will be easier for you to flee from adversity because you have been careful not to root yourself deeply. You end up coming to the p lace where you have little or no strength to endure hardship or persecution."

Some thought today: Our churches ought to be a refuge for lost souls to be welcomed.

7th- Saturday’s post:  Because It's True
Kim Damon

8th- Sunday evening's post:  Behind the song: The Old Rugged Cross  Diane Leagh Matthews

10th- Tuesday's post:  #47 Territoriality 
C. Peter Wagner

12th- Thursday's post:  #48 Spirits and Territories
C. Peter Wagner

A popular post:   #9 Prayer and Revivals
Dr. R. A. Torrey continues his message on prayer: "The history of the Church of Jesus Christ on earth has been largely a history of revivals..."   (save to check in sometime)

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A great gift for someone who
needs help in their marriage

Bridal Shower Devotional
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My book in paperback $7.95
Granny's Guide to Marriage in Verse
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