Saturday, March 14, 2015

Approaching God

Lawrence Darmani has this for us today: It used to bother me that the closer I drew to God in my walk with Him, the more sinful I felt.

Then a phenomenon I observed in my room enlightened me. A tiny gap in the curtain covering my window threw a ray of light into the room.

As I looked, I say particles of dirt drifting in the beam. Without the ray of light, the room seemed clean, but the light revealed the dirty particles.

What I observed shed light on my spiritual life. The closer I approach the Lord of light, the clearer I see myself.

When the light of Christ shines in the 
darkness of our lives,  it exposes our sin
 — not to discourage us, but to humble 
us to trust in Him.

We can't depend on our our own righteousness, since we are sinners and fall short of God's standards (Rom. 3:23).

When we are proud, the light reveals our heart and we cry as Isaiah did.. 

    "Woe to me!....For I am a man of unclean lips,...and my 
     eyes have seen the king, the LORD almighty: (Is. 6:5 NIV).

God is absolutely perfect in every way. Approaching Him calls for humility and childlike trust, not self-importance and pride.

For it is by grace that He draws us to Himself. It is good for us that we feel unworthy as we draw closer to God, for it humbles us to rely on Him alone."  Lawrence Darmani

Our Intercessor stands
before the Father
to give His approval

Pray with me: 

     Father, I understand that a
pproaching You calls for humility and childlike trust, not self-importance and pride.

   Therefore, I ask that You draw me closer, that I may get to
know You more perfectly.

    Please let the light of Jesus shine upon my soul today, and help
me see more clearly what it is that You want to deal with, and to 
change, to make me more like Him.

    I ask this in Christ's name, amen.

Today’s Bible verse: Isaiah 6:3 "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!"

Today's praise verse: 1 Chron. 16:8 "Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done."

Today’s quote: Lenn L. Latham- "One who acknowledges God as the Lord of all being, feels His daily nearness, sees the constant evidences of His love, and offers himself in gratitude—such a one is on a fair way to becoming a transformed person!" (pg. 122 of Let God In, out of print)

Some thoughts today: The perfect version of heaven will be beyond imaginationIt will be glorious!

- God allows suffering to bring a glorious end. It is our hope as children   of God.

- When we feel the pain, it's supposed to drive us towards Jesus.

15th- Sunday evening’s post:  Lord, Hold Me a Minute
James H. Cagle

17th- Tuesday's post:  #49 Spirits and Territories
C. Peter Wagner

19th- Thursday's post:  #50 The Pentateuch
C. Peter Wagner

21st- Saturday's post:  Thought Prevention
Max Lucado

A popular post:   #43 Travail, What 
is It? Dutch Sheets shares with us, 
“Travail, what was it anyway? What 
did it do?  I knew what I thought it was, 
but I wasn’t satisfied. Is it a valid form of prayer? I wondered. Is there really a prayer that births?..."   (save to check in sometime)

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