C. Peter Wagner: My problem came with Nehemiah's statement that not only "my father's house" but also "I have sinned" (Neh. 1:6), italics mine).
My first thought was that I was only a boy of 15 the day the war ended (in fact, VJ Day August 15, was my 15th birthday).
I didn't fight in the war, manufacture a bomb, shoot a gun or kill any Japanese. Then I felt the Holy Spirit come over me strongly and deeply convict me of two things.
First, He reminded me that I hated the Japanese people with a sinful hate. Secondly, God showed me that in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were other 15-year-old boys, as innocent as I was, who never shot a gun or dropped a bomb who are now dead or permanently disabled because of the atomic bomb!
The weeping for Japan started again with twice the intensity as before. To this day I can never share that story without losing emotional control.
At the moment I learned what John Dawson meant when he said we must personally identify with the sins of a given city or nation if God is to use us in remitting those sins. I learned why it was that Nehemiah "sat down and wept, and mourned for many days" (Neh. 1:4).
It just so happened that the place where I was staying in Tokyo, the Imperial Hotel, was the building General MacArthur had used for his headquarters while in Japan.
It is right across from the grounds of the Imperial Palace, and auditorium where I was teaching some 1,000 Japanese Christians was adjacent to the palace grounds.
After teaching a session or two, I asked my interpreter if he would help me locate some Christians in the audience who had suffered themselves or lost loved ones in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I wanted them to represent the Japanese people to whom I would confess.
(Be sure to read the message of Peter's that I'll post on the 30th: Victims of the Atomic Bomb.)
#81 "I Have Sinned"
By C. Peter Wagner
(pg. 136, 137) Regal Books
I ask for the Holy Spirit's moving on us,
that we may begin sensing the seriousness
of the sins committed by us, as well as the
leaders of our country and towns. May we humble
ourselves to where we repent for our own sins,
and the known sins of our country and communities
we live in. Our national leaders are in great need of
Your attention, to bring conviction of their sins
of removing You and Your Word out of most
everything our forefathers put together for us.
We see that this has brought the devastations
we're witnessing all over our country.
Have mercy, and help us humbly repent!
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
I ask for the Holy Spirit's moving on us,
that we may begin sensing the seriousness
of the sins committed by us, as well as the
leaders of our country and towns. May we humble
ourselves to where we repent for our own sins,
and the known sins of our country and communities
we live in. Our national leaders are in great need of
Your attention, to bring conviction of their sins
of removing You and Your Word out of most
everything our forefathers put together for us.
We see that this has brought the devastations
we're witnessing all over our country.
Have mercy, and help us humbly repent!
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Today’s Bible verse: Jer. 23:29 "Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?"
Today’s quote: Dr. Charles F. Stanley - "The beauty of grace becomes especially clear when we consider who we once were —a people hostile to the Lord and alienated from Him. We were spiritually dead, living according to our own selfish interests (Eph. 2:1). But now, through faith in Jesus as our Savior, God has justified us and given us new life. He has declared we have right standing before Him (Rom. 8:1). All of our sins were placed upon Jesus, and His righteousness has been credited to our account permanently." (Taken from In Touch Daily Readings for Devoted Living, July 2015, p. 24)
Some thoughts today: People want to know: Will they see Jesus in the local church? Will they find God's love being manifested there? Does the church appear to be alive, with young and old both present?
- It's God desire to set each of us in healthy churches, where His Word is preached and lived out. We grow together into Christ's likeness through fellowship, preaching and teaching, and our serving there.
- We need to have a church body to commit to, so the grace of God can move in and through our various giftings, which He has given us. We need to grow together in our imperfect stages of living. You'll discover that grace can be expressed by someone who is not yet perfect.
- It's God desire to set each of us in healthy churches, where His Word is preached and lived out. We grow together into Christ's likeness through fellowship, preaching and teaching, and our serving there.
- We need to have a church body to commit to, so the grace of God can move in and through our various giftings, which He has given us. We need to grow together in our imperfect stages of living. You'll discover that grace can be expressed by someone who is not yet perfect.
If you'd like my publisher, Eddie Jones of Lighthouse Publishing of the
Carolinas to send you my Circle Maker prayer/news letter concerning
my book, Granny's Guide to Marriage
in Verse, and my personal activities, please register your email address through this link: http://eepurl.com/bo1yk1 Thanks! I'll write a letter when I have news of interest.
Carolinas to send you my Circle Maker prayer/news letter concerning
my book, Granny's Guide to Marriage
in Verse, and my personal activities, please register your email address through this link: http://eepurl.com/bo1yk1 Thanks! I'll write a letter when I have news of interest.
30th- Thursday’s post: #82 Victims of the Atomic Bomb
C. Peter Wagner
8/1st- Saturday's post: Put Feet to Our Prayers
Diana Derringer
2nd- Sunday evening's post: Come Away, My Beloved
Lisa Buffaloe
4th- Tuesday's post: #83 What Really Happened?
C. Peter Wagner
C. Peter Wagner
8/1st- Saturday's post: Put Feet to Our Prayers
Diana Derringer
2nd- Sunday evening's post: Come Away, My Beloved
Lisa Buffaloe
4th- Tuesday's post: #83 What Really Happened?
C. Peter Wagner
at the two previously mentioned examples
from Christ's ministry where He was involved in travail or birthing prayer.
The first is John 11:33-44, the resurrection of Lazarus..."
jean-oathout.blogspot.com (save)
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