Sunday, September 20, 2015


On God’s Holy Word the Church doth stand
Led and sustained by the Shepherd’s hand
That leads us by where His martyrs have died
Who, through fiery flames on Him relied.

Their way, though fraught with many an ill
Our Lord, they knew was leading them still.
Suffering prison, flame and the sword,
Many died for the Word of the Lord.

Since we to Jesus our love did vow
To God’s Christ our Sovereign we bow
Never to earthly powers be wed
Though into prison or flames we’re led.

Through all our trials, let it be said
The Church triumphantly is still led
Till Christ, Who by His glory and might
Doth take us home from this sin-cursed night.

Then, with the blood-washed throne, we will stand
And praise our God for His guiding hand
That led us through prison, flame and sword
That we might honor our Precious Lord.

The martyrs, then, who had suffered earth’s frown
Will wear a bright and glistening crown
Who more than life our Savior did love
Despised earth’s honor for Christ’ above.

Martyrs by James H. Cagle

When I see and hear of people being martyred,
I sense Your broken heart for their families.
Hopefully, each one is prepared to meet 
You, and welcomed into Your presence, 
when they leave their bodies.
May their sacrifice touch many hearts, as to
their own strength of faith and commitment.
It may well be that folks in other places 
in the world will also have to give their 
lives for their faith in You.
If we are among them, help us develop 
strong faith now, that will see us through 
whatever comes our way.
I ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen

Today’s quotes: David McCasland - "We are not like the movie hero who always escapes certain death. The day will come when our earthly lives will end either by death or Christ's return. But by God's grace and mercy, the story of your life and mine is 'to be continued.' " (Our Daily Bread 9/6/15)

Cindy Hess Kasper - "Our Father in heaven is all-wise and all-loving. When fear starts to overwhelm us, we need to stop and remember that He is our God and He will always hold us up."

When we believe that God is good, 
we can learn to release our fears." 
(Our Daily Bread 9/9/15)

   "Father, we praise You for Your gift of eternal life and say with Paul, 'Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Cor. 15:57) (ODB 9/6/15)

Some thoughts today: When God redeems you, He has an investment in you. We are family, for we have become a child of His! We are to be properly assembled, properly relating to one another.

~ Do you know your place in a local body? Allow Jesus to wash your feet, cleanse you, give you new attitudes, purpose and walk.

~ The more we know God, the less we see we're able to do what pleases Him, in and of ourselves. God saves us to be a reflection of His love for us; in our attitudes, conduct, and life styles.

22nd- Tuesday’s post:  #97  Thinking Strategically
C. Peter Wagner
24th- Thursday's post:  #98  Rule #1: The area
C. Peter Wagner
26th- Saturday's post:  How to Have Peace
Jennifer Branon Schuldt
27th- Sunday evening's post: I Speak the Desires I have for You
Lee Forbes

A popular post:   God's Plan for Man "God has a very specific plan just for men. God's plan is what He created you specifically to be, how He wants to fully develop you into someone that brings honor to Him, someone that puts Him first in all things..."
[Excerpts from Matthew Hagee's message on God's Plan for Man is given...]

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