Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Key to Joy

Bonnie Champagne: You may ask, "WHAT IS THE KEY TO JOY. REAL GENUINE JOY?' 

In my opinion this "JOY" only became 
apparent in my life once I'd repented 
of my sins, was born again and began 
to understand who I was in CHRIST 

It was not an overnight experience but one that became more apparent as I grew in grace and studied the word of God.

Before we are born again we think we have joy. That joy is nothing to compare with the Joy the Lord gives us.

Even the joy we experience on our best days as an unsaved person, cannot compare to the joy we experience once our lives are hid in Christ.

hen the Spirit of the Living God comes to live in us, He brings the fruits of the Spirit in with Him. One of those fruits is Joy!

The Joy of the Lord is not something that comes and goes. It stays with us at all times as we learn to walk in light of His Word and make His Word our firm foundation. 

We come to realize that no matter what transpires in our lives, our heavenly Father must be in charge. Circumstances are always subject to change as we surrender all to God. The more intimate we become with Him, the more we are able to surrender and trust in Him.

Therefore, we must not live our lives focusing on the circumstances which are only temporary.

The LORD is so merciful and kind. Loving and faithful. There really is none like JESUS the CHRIST. Savior of the world. Redeemer of all mankind. He alone knows every detail about our lives and we must trust Him to lead us, comfort us and guide daily.

I have come to realize that the more I depend on, and trust the Lord JESUS CHRIST, I can rest in Him and live my life with the evidence of the fruits and gifts of His Holy Spirit being very apparent in my life. 

This Joy is a grace bestowed on us by GOD the FATHER, and because we have a free will, it is up to us to appropriate that joy the best way we can. 
Therefore, I choose to live above the circumstances and maintain His joy because it is so powerful. The only way we can do that is to live for Jesus Christ.

There were days long ago when I can honestly say I did not have this gift of joy. Whether I was unsaved or saved . . . but one day His JOY came and made its home in my life and to date, this joy carries me through each day.

I must keep my eyes fixed on JESUS, the Author and Finisher of my faith. Not looking to man, religion, my husband, my friends, my stuff, etc. I must focus on JESUS. Should He choose to use someone or something in my life, that is fine, but I must look to Him at all times.

JESUS IS MY MASTER. God help me to always remember Who my Savior and Lord is!

I constantly remind myself who I am in Christ Jesus. I do my best not to compare myself with others, because there is only one of me, and He made  me the way I am because He knows just what I will do to help build His Kingdom.

It is up to me to stay in that position and to do what He has called me to do. That means He is priority one, and learning to abide in Him is very important. 

In fact, it is paramount. Intimacy with God is a must for any of us who want to fulfill our destiny "in CHRIST JESUS our SAVIOR AND LORD."

JOHN 15:1-8 . . . “I am the real vine, my FATHER is the vine-dresser. HE removes any of my branches which are not bearing fruit and he prunes every branch that does bear fruit to increase its yield. Now, you have already been pruned by my words. You must go on growing in me and I will grow in you. For just as the branch cannot bear any fruit unless it shares the life of the vine, so you can produce nothing unless you go on growing in ME. 

I am the vine itself, you are the branches. It is the man who shares my life and whose life I share who proves fruitful. For the plain fact is that apart from ME you can do nothing at all. The man who does not share MY life is like a branch that is broken off and withers away. He becomes just like the dry sticks that men pick up and use for the firewood. 

But if you live your life in ME, and MY words live in your hearts, you can ask for whatever you like and it will come true for you. This is how my FATHER will be glorified—in your becoming fruitful and being my disciples."

The following is the Scripture the Lord gave to me when I asked him what was it that made me so confident and content. I do realize that these words were spoken to JESUS, however, because He lives in us, it can be said of us as well."

Hebrews 1:9 "You have loved what is right and hated what is wrong. That is why God, your God, anointed you, rather than your companions, with the oil of joy."

JOHN 15:1-11;  1 PETER 1:8-9; EPHESIANS 1:12-14; 4:30; PHILIPPIANS 2:3-5; PROVERBS 10:28; ROMANS 15:13. 

Written by B.K. Champagne  2015-11-25

 “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” – Luke 2:10

New ReleaseElaine W. Miller "An elder once chastised me with his frown-filled face, "Why are you so happy all the time?" I guess he wasn't aware of Isaiah 35:10 (NIV): ". . . everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away." 

That is my prayer for you dear ladies. Don't lose your joy. " Check out her blog for some great messages.

{Jean's note: Elaine's book, We All Married Idiots, is one of the very best buys available! Many marriages have been benefited, and many saved. Also, many folks have given their hearts and lives to Jesus through her ministry!}

    Father, open our eyes to what You have for us to participate in. Show us Your glory, so we will increase our praises, which will bring on the joy.
   I understand we're to draw joy from the wells of Salvation.

Make it a reality in each of our lives. (see Is. 12:3) I ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen. 

Today’s Bible verse: Phil. 2:5 "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus".

Today’s quote: Niel Vermillion - "Even having the desire to WANT to change is evidence of God's grace in your life".  

Some thoughts today: Jesus became our substitute for us . . . He took our punishment, and has made a way back to our Holy God. That wouldn't be possible without His doing it for us!

~ The Father affirmed Him already with His love when He was baptized. (see Matt. 3:15, 16) God knew what He was going to do, and had lived a sinless life up 'til then.

As a spotless lamb was required for sacrifice for sins all through biblical history, (see Ez. 46:13)) Jesus became that Lamb for us! (see 1 Peter 1:19)

27th- Sunday evening’s post:  Enjoying God
     Kathryne Leach
29th- Tuesday's post:  #3 The Importance of Prevailing Prayer     Wesley L. Duewel
31st- Thursday's post:  #4 The Objects of Prevailing Prayer          Wesley L. Duewel
Jan. 1st- Saturday's post:  What are Godly Decisions?
    Jean Oathout

A special link:  Listening to Really Hear

By JillSavage on Dec 07, 2015 
ThinkstockPhotos-149314722Mark says: "Listening is one of the most important intimacy-building communication gifts God has given couples.  
It’s often been said that listening is so important to God that he gave us one mouth and two ears.  He really wants us to listen to one another.
Jill says: Too often we listen to correct, to make a point, to interrupt, or to eventually talk about ourselves.  But we have to learn to listen to hear what our spouses are saying, as well as to hear what they are feeling!.." 

(The following link is to the book they recommend in this post. I sent for a copy, and am giving it as a gift for someone. Great reading, while I had it!)

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